I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


pictures of baby porcupines thumbnail includes two pictures of baby porcupines

Not-Yet-Spiky Baby Porcupine Fuzzballs (Pics)

Fuzzy fluffballs.
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pictures of white leopard tortoises thumbnail includes two pictures of a white leopard tortoise

Little-Known White Leopard Tortoises Appreciation

They. are. so. cool.
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posts about small wild cats thumbnail includes two pictures including a picture of an andean cat 'The extremely rare Andean Cat' and of a melanistic wild serval 'a super rare melanistic serval'

Criminally Underrated Small Wild Cats

gotta love allllll the kitties
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pictures of tiger cubs thumbnail includes two pictures of tiger cubs including one of a tiger cub playing in a puddle and another of a tiger cub yawning

Ferocious But Smol Tiger Cubs

Too dangerous to pet? ...are you sure?
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pictures of viscachas thumbnail includes two pictures of viscachas frowning

Viscachas Look Like They're Perpetually Done With Everything

We feel you, buddy. We get it.
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pictures of owls for Super Bowl Sunday thumbnail includes two pictures including an owl striking a pose and a baby owl held in someone's hand

Superb Owls In Celebration Of Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl who???
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pictures of fennec foxes thumbnail includes two pictures of big-eared fennec foxes

Big-Eared Fennec Foxes Appreciation (Pics)

They're ALWAYS willing to listen.
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pictures of baby squirrels thumbnail includes two pictures including a mom squirrel holding her baby and another of a baby squirrel wearing a sock sweater sleeping in someone's palm

Awwdorable Itty Bitty Baby Squirrels (Pictures)

Nothing but cuteness.
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pictures of the spotted-tail tiger quoll thumbnail includes two pictures including a spotted-tail quoll sleeping curled up in someone's palm and another spotted-tail quoll sitting on someone's hand

Precious And Awwdorable Spotted-Tail Quolls

Criminally underrated cute marsupials.
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pictures of tokay geckos thumbnail includes two pictures of tokay geckos

Tokay Geckos Look Like Awwdorable Mini Dinosaurs

soooooo cuuuute
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pictures of baby hyena cubs thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby hyena curled up and another of a hyena cub cuddling its mother

Underappreciated Awwdorable Hyaena Cubs

Way cuter than you'd expect.
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pictures of chinchillas thumbnail includes two pictures including a chinchilla sitting on someone's lap and another of a baby chinchilla

Balls Of Chonky Fluffy Softness: Chinchilla Appreciation

They be chinchillin'
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pictures of the bumblebee bats thumbnail includes two pictures of tiny bats sitting on people's hands

Awwdorable Bumblebee Bats: Smallest Bat In The World

Teeny-weeny creatures of darkness.
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pictures of baby beavers thumbnail includes two pictures of cute baby beavers held in people's hands

Bright And Blissful Baby Beavers (Pics)

For all those who give a dam.
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posts about working dogs thumbnail includes a picture of a police dog with shoes on 'A friendly bomb sniffing pupper at Congress wearing booties to protect his paws from broken glass u/StartRunMspaint'

Giving Thanks To Professional Dogs Hard At Work

Thank you for all your hard work, cuties <3
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pictures of huskies thumbnail includes a picture of a happy husky next to a cheese grater 'I give him cheese once, and now this is every time he sees the grater. u/Forosnai'

Largest Most Loveable Goofball Doggos (Husky Appreciation)

Dumb dumbs that we love more than anything.
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