
tumblr thread about friends befriending bees and wasps | tumblr thread includes two tumblr posts 'Font - scotchjolras Follow The bees and wasps now recognise me as the person who gives them water. Which sounds cool but it means everytime I go outside they harass me until I fill up the waterer. On the bright side, I no longer have to fear wasps as they just buzz around me non-threateningly now. theropodtheroblogs Follow You are their water deity now' and 'Font - shedoesnotlivehereanymore'

Tumblr Thead: Stories Of Bees And Wasps Choosing Humans As Their Friends

collection of funny fake british names for pets | thumbnail includes a photo of kittens with a union jack and text saying 'other news, my sister London got kitten family group chat is popping off trying come up with name, preferably British themed.'

Proper British Names For Your Proper British Pet

13 animal tweets | thumnbnail side by side image of a dad with daughter's new dog in arms, tweet reads "dad: dont bring home any more dogs, also my dad with my new dog"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

wholesome animal memes  | thumbnail includes two memes saying 'bored because playing by yourself but then see best friend come online' and 'So my dog has a closet for all of his neck ties and bow ties'

Heartwarming Animal Memes To Start The Week Off Pawfectly (October 18, 2021)

wholesome story from reddit about a man finding love with the help of his cat | thumbnail includes a photo of the cat, Prince, and the text, 'When he finally responded I felt like my heart was going to explode. I had to convince myself to look at his message. He responded saying...'

Cat Helps Man Ask Out His Crush: Pure Wholesomeness Ensues

photos of puppies and dogs napping tucked into blankets | thumbnail includes two photos of dogs sleeping peacefully while tucked into blankets

Snuggle Up With These Pups: Adorable Photos Of Doggos Tucked Into Blankets

photos of animals inside of cars | thumbnail includes a photo on the left of dogs sitting in a car, and a photo on the right of a samoyed dog behind the drivers' seat with cats

Pets Going For A Ride: Phenomenal Photos Of Animals In Cars

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - US government plans to use drones to fire vaccine-laced M&Ms near endangered ferrets a The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has a plan to save the endangered black-footed ferret, and it involves candy. The agency has proposed delivering vaccines to a ferret colony in Montana.. Lizzie Plaugic joyeuse-noelle: burntcopper: There is nothing about this title I don't like. The best part of this title is that'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Goodness

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a snail 'Product - Screw it, l'll start my own country' and a cat driving a car full of cat trees 'Road surface - Parkour'

Rise And Shine With Fresh Animal Memes (October 17, 2021)

sad man asks the internet to cheer him up by showing photos of their pets, people oblige | thumbnail includes

Internet Bands Together To Cheer Up Man Using Wholesome Photos Of Fur Babies

list of cute cats celebrating thanksgiving with photos | thumbnail includes photo of cat staring at thanksgiving food and text 'Olive the Canadian-Russian Blue takes her duties as Thanksgiving feast inspector seriously (in addition to her duties as Emergency Medical Kitty).'

15 Cats Who Celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving Purrfectly: Cute Twitter Thread

collection of original ICanHasCheezburger animal facts | thumbnail includes one picture of a bear 'Plant - A family in China adopted a dog and raised it for two years before they found out it was actually an Asiatic black bear. They reportedly figured it out when they realized the dog couldn't stop growing. Turns out, this sort of mix-up happens fairly often ICANHAS CHEEZ CBURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Totally Strange and Absolutely Amoosing

video of sloth crossing the road with help from human | thumbnail sloth at edge of road with human behind him attempting to help

Three Toed Sloth Attempts To Cross Street, Gets Help From Friendly Human (Video)

12 Lizard memes | thumbnail includes a photo of a lizard and text saying 'Why does this lizard look like he wants to make me an offer I can't refuse

Incredible Lizard Memes That Iguana Show You Right Now

10 videos of animals being jerks | thumbnail left cat reaching for sandwich, thumbnail right two hummingbirds one pushing the other's face into birdbath

10 Videos Of Jerk Animals With No Regard For Rules Being Total A-holes

collection of animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a puppy in a backpack 'Dog - Friend: hey we're going on a hike so pack some supplies Me:' and a hawk held in a person's hands 'Watch - My mother caught a hawk while it was diving to get her chickens and it just has the most confused face ever that this could have gone so wrong'

Smol Animal Memes Dumperooni For An Additional Dose Of Laughs