animal shelter

list of discussion about working in animal shelters | thumbnail "And yet I saw a man today insisting to return a puppy because it was "very aggressive" and he "feared for his safety" so much so that he kept the puppy in the crate. He sent us a video of the "aggression" and my whole team almost died. The puppy was on his back and chewing on his shoelace.... that's it. Calmest example of puppy play l'd seen. Yes, he is no longer allowed to adopt from us."

Beautiful And Less Beautiful Every Day Animal Shelter Occurrences

Animal sanctuary on TikTok goes viral with farm animal routine videos

"Who's Ready To Rumble?": Animal Sanctuary TikTok Shows How They Magically Round Up Animals In the Most Perfect Way

a reddit story about a woman who tried to take another woman's pet cat | thumbnail includes text saying 'But my SIL & MIL both said I should have just given them the cat if it meant that much to the child. The cat would be their only cat while he is 1 of my 4 and the cat would be happier with them too and made me feel terrible for causing all the drama. They said kittens are easier to adopt so adult cats should be given to whoever wants them.'

Visitor Demands To Adopt A Cat From Its Existing Home: Reddit Storytime

adoption pets ruthf wholesome animals humane society animal shelter animals - 15660037

Celebrating Animal Shelter Appreciation Week With Emotional Stories and Silly Photos From Shelters

video about Moroccan animal shelter donkeys | thumbnail donkey with man outside

New Moroccan Animal Shelter Cares For Local Donkeys At No Cost (Video)

video of cookie monster at animal shelter helping volunteer with dogs | thumbnail image of cookie monster with woman holding small dog

Cookie Monster Helps A Lonely Shelter Dog Find A Loving Home (Video)

video about billboard advertising senior dogs at shelter | thumbnail left man standing in front of billboard, thumbnail right billboard with dog ad, text Dog is given her own billboard so she might finally get adopted and leave the shelter after two years

Huge Billboard Featuring Rescue Dog Gains Attention In Hopes Adoption (Video)

discussion adoption vs rescuing dog |  thumbnail text "Should i feel guilty for buying a dog (purebred) instead of adopting one ? I bought my dog five years ago i was a teenager i love him and take care of him , guys he is literally the love of my life BUT however recently my best friend has been shaming me for buying instead of adopting and the more i think about it the more gulity i feel. Help me out guys what are your thoughts ?" " Getting dog from shelter/rescue: Good. "

Discussion: Feeling Guilty About Buying A Purebred As Opposed To Rescuing From Shelter

14 images of adoption transformations for pets | thumbnail left dog adoption glow up, thumbnail right cat adoption glow up

Before And After Adoption Glow Ups: Aint Nothing A Little Love Can't Cure

shelter wholesome fashion adorable adoption bow tie doggo inspiring uplifting animal shelter - 2410758

Teen’s Bow Ties For Shelter Dogs Help Boost Adoption Rates

generous couple create a full plate of thanksgiving food for each dog at the animal shelter - thumbnail includes two images one of a table full of individual plates of food and one of a dog waiting for this delicious meal

Generous Couple Provided Thanksgiving Meals For Over 80 Cats And Dogs At Animal Shelter

collection of stories of rescued animals and their rescuers from the past month thumbnail includes two pictures one of a black kitten with two buttons next to its nose and another of a black puppy surrounded by rescuers

Heroes Of The Month: Celebrating Rescued Animals And Their Rescuers

adopt adopted cats dogs shelter rescue kittens aww animals adorable cute wholesome uplifting forever homes | Everyone meet Lily. She’s a stray that adopted my husband and I today. He’s not a cat person but she won him over with that adorable look of love

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (21 Images + 7 Vid)

people adopting animals during coronavirus quarantine leaving the shelters empty | people wearing face masks posing with their arms extended excitedly in open empty cages

Beautiful Sight: Shelters That Are Empty Due To Adoptions

Couple saves disabled sheep | a bearded man wearing a shower cap and a red tank top sitting in a plastic tub filled with water outdoors together with supporting a white sheep wearing a harness Caters News Agency water therapy physiotherapy

Couple Postpones Wedding After Spending 40,000$ On Moko, Their Adopted Disabled Sheep

tweets wholesome dogs shelter bios twitters dog walker cute sweet aww rescue good boys thread | black and white dog on a leash JR KG DR DJKA Today 9:04 AM Dave Richardson DR Nana. Good dog. One brown eye one blue eye. DR Nana! Like Peter Pan! iMessage text messaging

Local Shelter Dog Walker Gives Dogs Cute Little Bios