animal rescue

The newest viral-worthy opossum videos from tiktok

Opossum Tok is the New Viral World of TikTok That is Educating Animal Lovers on These Amazing Marsupials

smol cat gets rescued and dog becomes it's new adopted mom

Woman's Dog Falls in Love with Tiny Newborn Kitten She Rescues from the Middle of the Street

sweet puppy scared and alone found in woman's chicken coop, gets rescued

Woman Saves Sweet Abandoned Puppy Hiding In Her Chicken Coop, Fittingly Names Him 'Coop'

12 reddit text images | thumbnail background blue small dog bottom right corner text "She didn't have a "big" personality. Her skin was hanging off her very boney frame and her skin was bad. She's missing bits of her ears and was covered in scabs from fights. She was scared and sat in the back of the kennel nervously shaking. I brought her home for that reason. So many people rescue dogs under the premise of what the dog can do for them, but it should also be about what you can do for the dog."

Wholesome Tails Of Rescue Doggos Enjoying A Second Chance At Life

Stolen dog gets reunited with family

Viral TikTok of a Stolen Dog Being Reunited With His Owner Should Be a Hallmark Movie

video of a hummingbird being nursed back to health by a person | thumbnail includes a picture of a hummingbird hovering near a person's hand

Man Nurses Tiny Hummingbird Back To Health (Video)

a beautiful series of before and after photos of animals after adoption | thumbnail includes the before and after of a sickly dog that was adopted

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

a heartwarming story about a man adopting 40 seagulls | thumbnail includes a photo of 10 seagulls with the man's pet cat

Man Adopts 40 Disabled Seagulls (Video)

video of gorilla sanctuary in the congo | thumbnail image of gorillas in wood area with trees

A Mountain Gorilla Sanctuary, The Senkwekwe Centre (Video)

nature wholesome good news endangered species new years ruthf endangered animal rescue positive happy new year happy dog animals positivity 2021 - 15948549

Forty Most Positive Animal News Stories of 2021

petting vixie the pawdorable rescue fox | thumbnail includes  a picture of vixie getting petted

Vixie The Awwdorable Rescue Fox (Video)

video of sloth being saved and taking ride with boat paddle | thumbnail image of murky water sloth emerging

Disoriented Sloth Catches Free Ride To Safety On Boat Paddle (Video)

video of abandoned squirrel adopted by couple | thumbnail left squirrel with young human couple, thumbnail right squirrel eating corn

Baby Squirrel Sips Tea After Being Adopted (Video)

video of small cat with four ears and owner | thumbnail image of small cat with four ears and stuffed animal with four ears

Meet Midas, Viral Kitten With Four Ears (Video)

video of foxes playing in snow | thumbnail image of foxes playing in snow

Adorable Squad Of Rescue Foxes Play In Snow For First Time (Video)

video about Moroccan animal shelter donkeys | thumbnail donkey with man outside

New Moroccan Animal Shelter Cares For Local Donkeys At No Cost (Video)