animal facts

lolcats zoomies pets purr askreddit animal facts cat owners feline silly Cats funny animals fun facts - 24121349

28 Quirky Facts About Cats That Only Feline Purrents Understand

12 embedded photos and videos from Reddit with animal facts | Thumbnail includes a lynx walking on snow 'Lynx have evolved enormous paws to distribute weight better in the snow'

Animal Facts Friday: Top 12 Fascinating Facts About The Animal Kingdom (April 15, 2022)

twitter thread about a waitress asking a woman if she ever taught her about dinosaur poop | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Dr Susannah Lydon ... @susieoftraken So last night we went to eat at a pub, and the young woman serving us said to me "Can I ask you a weird question?". The only answer you can ever give to that question is "Of course..." "Did you come to my school when I was little and show me dinosaur poo?" 1/3 1:50 PM · Apr 9, 2022 - Twitter'

Twitter Thread: Woman Recognizes Old Teacher From Lesson About Fossils And Wholesomeness Ensues

13 facts about 13 different animals | Thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny deer 'Pudus (from Mapudungun püdü or püdu) are the world's smallest deer.'

Fascinating Animal Facts Friday: Top 12 Of The Week

new collection of animal facts from r/awwducational | thumbnail includes a picture of a bat holding onto a person's finger 'Bat toes are specially designed to relax in a locked position. This means that when bats are clinging on to the roof of a cave or tree, they are actually relaxing their feet. It takes energy to release their grip and open up their little toes before taking off to fly in the night u/JMyers666'

Unexpectedly Cool Yet Wholesome Animal Facts: 18 Awwducational Posts

twitter thread about animals that look similar but are not genetically related | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - ben "darth normal" flores ... @limitlessjest It's so insane that alligators and crocodiles aren't at all genetically related. Is there any other case of similar evolution like that 4:26 AM - Feb 20, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 4,919 Retweets 1,403 Quote Tweets 103.1K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Animals That Look Similar But Aren't Genetically Related At All

 imgur thread about what makes platypuses cool | thumbnail includes a picture of a platypus swimming 'Phoebe the Platypus looks all cute because Platypus is all cute. However these back legs have a sneaky feature. The claws produce venom jonjohnjonjohn'

Platypuses Are Excellent And There Are Many Reasons Why (Viral Thread)

viral thread about Echidnas | thumbnail includes a picture of an Echidna 'Meet Edison. He is an baby Echidna, called a puggle. He came out of an egg which his mother Edweena stored in a pouch her belly... The Echidna is the oldest living mammal jonjohnjonjohn'

Viral Thread: The Internet Discovers The Cute Yet Hella Weird Echidnas

collection of funny facts and stories about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a goat 'Organism - In Nigeria, a goat was arrested and accused of being a person who used magic after an armed robbery. CHEEZ'

12 Funny Animal Facts: Paws To Laugh And Learn

collection of funny facts and stories about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a guinea pig 'Guinea pig - In 2014, a guinea pig named Randy broke out of his zoo enclosure and impregnated almost 100 females, becoming a father to CANHAS CHEEZ GER over 400 babies.'

13 Funny Animal Facts: Paws To Laugh And Learn

A Quora thread about rare little known facts about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of two hippos eating a  Zebra and the text ' A Hippopotamus will devour a floating Zebra if they're given half the chance....'

People Share Perception-Changing Facts About Animals

an article full of animal facts about chinchillas | thumbnail includes text saying 'Unlike other rodents who are born naked and helpless, Chinchillas have a full coat of fur and functioning eyes at birth'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: The Most (chin)Chill(a) Animal Ever

collection of cute animal facts | thumbnail includes a picture of a pigmy possum The Australian Western Pygmy Possum is actually one of the largest pygmy possums in the world despite being no larger than a typical kiwi fruit. u/StcStasi''

15 More Awwducational Facts About Animals

list of facts about animals | thumbnail includes a photo of a panda with an egg and the text 'The egg of a panda is larger than that of an ostrich'

19 Totally Real Animal Facts That Definitely Aren't A Joke

collection of original ICanHasCheezburger animal facts | thumbnail includes one picture of a bear 'Plant - A family in China adopted a dog and raised it for two years before they found out it was actually an Asiatic black bear. They reportedly figured it out when they realized the dog couldn't stop growing. Turns out, this sort of mix-up happens fairly often ICANHAS CHEEZ CBURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: Totally Strange and Absolutely Amoosing

list of facts about animals | thumbnail includes a picture of a decorator crab 'Decorator crabs pick up plants and animals in their environment and stick them onto their body to camouflage themselves and look fabulous. u/Gnodima'

15 Unexpectedly Awwducational Facts About Animals

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