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adorable cats

30 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people posted pictures of their cats along with a description of the strange things they do | Thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with its eyes closed and paws tucked under its belly and a picture of two cats sitting and looking back at the camera 'If we have visitors at home, my cat usually sits between us with her paws crossed because she can't stand someone else being in the spotlight They always like to pose symmetrically. My theory is'

A Hefty List Of Silly Things That Cats And Kittens Do (Twitter Thread)

Never a dull moment with these guys
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17 screenshots with cat pictures and captions that talk about their hooligan behavior and different types of shenanigans | Thumbnail includes a picture of two cats sitting on a carpet and staring at the camera, as well as a picture of a grey and white cat laying on a purple towel looking at the camera 'We are Leia and Luke. We swear that we were not just caught in the act of cables from the computer's removing backside at all! My name is Max. I don't live here. But they got me a cat bed anyway.'

Hooligan Cats Back At It Again: Thread Of Mischief And Shenanigans

There goes the neighborhood
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A Youtube video about three cats reacting to a new fish toy that moves and vibrates | Thumbnail includes a picture of a white cat trying to eat a toy fish and a picture of a tabby cat hitting a toy fish

Three Curious Cats React To A New Fish Toy That Jiggles And Vibrates (Video)

New toy who's dis
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A Youtube Video where an asian boy pretends to cry to see how his cats will react | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a boy pretending to cry and a cat sitting and staring at him

Little Kid Pretends To Cry To Get His Cats Attention (Video)

We're all guilty of this
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16 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people sent photos of their cats implying that cats are the best pets ever | Thumbnail includes a picture of a white fluffy cat with finger prints on its fur and a close up picture of a tabby cat with green eyes 'baby, Thor, who is so floofy you leave hand prints after petting him. That sounded like an invitation to send you cat photos so here's one of mine- Lucy Furr.'

Cat People Will Take Any And Every Opportunity They Can To Show Off Pictures Of Their Cats: A Thread

As they should
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13 photos of cats that have big, googly, Disney-looking eyes | Thumbnail includes a photo of a tabby kitten with big orange eyes and a photo of another tabby cat with blue eyes

13 Caricature Cats Showcase Their Googly Eyes That They Use To Hypnotize Their Owners

Just another superpower they possess
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A listicle with 15 screenshots with people's crochet creations for their cats | Thumbnail includes a crocheted couch with a cat laying on it 'Finished my cat couch! Bonus, it's heated!'

Cat Owners Crochet Dresses And Heated Couches For Their Cats

Cutest couch potatoes
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Video of a mom cat adopting a kitten | Thumbnail includes one big orange cat laying with one orange kitten and one grey and white kitten

Purebred British Golden Chinchilla Cat Who Just Gave Birth Adopts Another Kitten

This one's for all the moms out there
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20 screenshots from a Twitter thread about cunning cats | Thumbnail includes a collage of two of the same photos of a cunning cat 'This is the look of a cat who has managed to con two breakfasts out of us this morning.'

Crafty Cats Con Their Way Into Being Fed More Than Once For Breakfast

Feline intelligence
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A youtube video about two feral cats that are in love | thumbnail includes a screenshot from the youtube video with two cats on a roof

A Feral Feline Love Story To Restore Your Faith In True Love (Video)

Love is in the air
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13 photos and videos of feline toes with feathers | thumbnail includes a grey and white cat's toe feathers 'Itty bitty toe feathers'

The Fluffiest Feline Toe Feathers: Reddit's Best

I whip my feathers back and forth
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wholesome animal memes  | thumbnail includes two memes that say 'my gf working late on tough project coming over give her kiss' and 'All the love I have to offer You'

Heartwarming Animal Memes To Start The Week Off Pawfectly (December 27, 2021)

Pure Pawsitivity.
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list about tiny smol cats who belong to the itty bitty kitty comittee | thumbnail includes two photos of tiny smol kittens sniffing and grabbing a large hand

12 Cats That Deserve A Spot On The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

Nothing is cuter than meeting the newest smol members of the itty bitty kitty committee . For those unfamiliar, the itty bitty kitty committee is an exclusive group that only the tiniest, most squee kitties have the privilege of joining. The sheer adorableness of these kitties is unmatched , especially given the concentrated ratio of cuteness per pound that they possess. We love these awwdorable kittens so much that we have to share their tiny, tiny, adorable selves with the world through these…
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25 pictures of clingy cats | thumbnail left cat in shower with human, thumbnail right four cats in bathroom all looking in same direction

Series Of Silly Cats With No Concept Of Personal Space Or Boundaries

Clingy Cats That We Can Not Help But Love
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video of hungry cat | thumbnail left cat climbing on oven, thumbnail right cat opening packaged food

Hongry Cat Learns How To Open Food Containers On His Own (Video)

For this silly cat, eating isn't a game, it's serious business! A very silly and hongry cat called Trekkie has one priority in life… FOOD. This kitty will watch his owners from a distance as they prepare lunch, snacks, and everything in between, just waiting for his opportunity to strike. He sticks his lil kitty head inside of food packaging until his mission has been accomplished. He waits until his owners have their guard down and BOOM. Food stolen off the oven. BOOM. Food mysteriously disapp…
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11 cat images story of cat and truck driver | thumbnail left cat and paul selfie, thumbnail right cat sprawled on dashboard of truck

Lonely Truck Driver Adopts Abandoned Stray Cat

Hello Cheezburger users! We'd like to introduce you to the sweetest pair ever. Paul Robertson and his cat Percy absolutely adore each other! Paul is a once lonely truck driver, but lonely no more! Driving for days on end can get lonely and Paul realized he could use some company. A few years ago Paul decided to adopt a cat named Howie to become his road companion. Unfortunately, Howie left this world in 2017 and Paul was left with a void in his heart. Fast forward a little, Percy prances along …
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