
viral imgur thread about a dog who hated the new adopted puppy at first then grew to love it thumbnail includes two pictures of a Labrador and a Labrador puppy '"we got a puppy a month ago, and our two year old lab HATED her. little pup wanted to be best friends and couldn’t understand what she did wrong. last week, big pup finally gave her a chance" - monachopsisss'

Dog That Hated Adopted Puppy At First Now Loves Her (Viral Thread)

tumblr thread about an abused dog getting adopted and learning to bark again thumbnail includes a picture of a dog '"When I got her, she’d been abused and would cower and pee at almost everything, and had been mistreated when she’d barked, so she never would. I had to re-teach her to bark by gathering her whole human pack and having everyone bark and howl and feed her treats and pet her till she got excited enough to join in."'

Tumblr Thread: Dog Previously Mistreated For Barking Learns To Bork Again

all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of smiling kitten "We may have adopted a tiny snow leopard"

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (42 Images + 3 Vid)

collection of the most positive animal news stories of December 2020 thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a dog with prosthetic hind legs wearing a medal and another of two tiny possums sitting on someone's fingers

Thirty Most Positive Animal News Stories Of December

tumblr thread about a stray kitten getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures including of a stray scared kitten and another of the same kitten looking happy 'Skin - What a difference a day makes! Took this little guy to the vet, got the fleas and dirt washed off him, got some antibiotics for a slight cold, but he is otherwise fine. Kneading and purring up a storm, eating a lot and being heart-crushingly adorable.'

Tumblr Thread: Saving And Adopting A Helpless Stray Kitten

all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail includes sweet cat petting and kissing her new human "The day I adopted Lulu. She was slated to be euthanized the following week, but through a local shelter I was able to adopt her in time. I love her so much."

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (33 Images + 5 Vids)

collection of the most positive animal news stories of 2020 thumbnail includes a smiling man surrounded by dogs and a roaring baby mountain lion | To remind everyone that 2020 wasn't all bad.

Forty Most Positive Animal News Stories Of 2020

viral imgur thread about an adopted kitten named Pepperoni thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten lying on a table and a kitten sleeping on shoes ''My little girl, Pepperoni anzinipanini'

Feisty Adopted Kitten Loves Going To Work With Her Human (Viral Thread)

twitter thread of wholesome animal adoption stories thumbnail includes one picture of a tuxedo cat and the tweet 'Text - Zan Azoth 000 @AzothZan Replying to @hansonfan69 and @AGhostlerer Yeah, my cat Bandit was found on my mom's windshield wiper fluid container. We're pretty sure it got under the hood at a gas station and hitched a 30 mile ride to the mall from there. 11 years later I still have her. 5:41 PM · Dec 16, 2020 Twitter for Android 20 Retweets 3 Quote Tweets 4K Likes'

Funny Tweet Leads To Heartwarming Adoption Stories (Twitter Thread)

viral imgur story of an older cat getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with its paws crossed and a cat faceplanting 'Introducing Dexter, the Mega Cat with Mega Personality' 'He is the Grand Champion of the faceplant'

Older Chonky Cat That Loves Snuggles And Faceplants Gets Adopted (Viral Thread)

tumblr thread about a cat adopting a lynx cub and raising it alongside her kitten thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and a lynx cuddling 'A lynx at the Novosibirsk Zoo refused to feed its cub because it was the runt of the litter. To save the cub's life, a worker brought a domesticated cat that had recently given birth to kittens. As anticipated, the cat accepted the lynx as her own kitten and began nursing her.' as well as a kitten and a lynx nuzzling 'ALSO the mom cat raised the lynx baby'

Tumblr Thread: Cat Adopts Lynx Cub And Raises It Alongside Her Kitten

story about a dog who was given 6 months to live getting adopted and getting healthier thumbnail includes two pictures including a sick dog and another of a happy dog

Senior Dog Given Six Months To Live Gets Adopted And Is Living His Best Life Now

viral story about an imgur user finding out the history of their adopted puppy thumbnail includes two pictures including a puppy sitting on a vet's table 'I decided to look up the rescue he came from... and stumbled upon these photos of his mama!!' and a mom dog with her litter 'The dark brown one all the way on the right is Jupiter'

Curious User Finds Out The Pawdorable History Of Their Adopted Puppy

kitten who went viral on imgur for getting inside of the couch on her first day after adoption thumbnail includes two pictures including a picture of a kitten hugging a pig toy and another of a kitten inside of a couch peeking its head out 'Made a new home for herself... Inside the couch'

Kitten's First Day Home After Adoption And Shenanigans Already Start

story about a paralyzed rescue dog starting to walk again thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a dog in a wheelchair and another of the same dog being kissed by his adoptive mom

Paralyzed Dog Running Again After Being Rescued

tumblr thread about kittens in vet clinics getting temporary names and a kitten named 'Trash Bag' getting adopted thumbnail includes a picture of a black kitten and the text 'Text - drferox Follow 'Temporary' Names Vet clinics often have litters of kittens to raise. Either they're too young for a shelter, too sickly, or the clinic intends to adopt them out when they're big enough. Whatever the reason, nurses often end up raising kittens and giving them 'temporary' names. Organism - drferox Foll'

Tumblr Thread: Kitten 'Temporarily' Called 'Trash Bag' Gets Adopted