
posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat lying next to a kitten 'This feral kitten wondered into my yard a few weeks ago and has decided it lives here. My grumpy old tom cat has taken her in as his own! u/SVT_Devinn'

24 Savers: Twenty-four Heartwarming Adoption Stories

photos of three legged dogs and cats, animals missing a leg | thumbnail is a three legged cat sleeping, and a three legged dog being adopted by a three legged man with the caption 'witnessed the most pure moment today - a Veteran adopting a dog with one missing leg as well. I don’t think my heart has ever been so full'

Awwdorable Three Legged Animals Living Life To The Fullest

15 before and after adoption animal images | thumbnail left small feral cat in cage, thumbnail right healthy looking cat wearing sweater, text "From terrified and feral, to snuggly and happy. My sweet little Jacqueline”

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat 'Went to adopt a kitten. The woman running the rescue said she just got a black cat and was sad because she said nobody would adopt him because he’s 13 yrs old and ‘plain’ so I said.. I’ll take him too! A week later when the kitten was ready, I took him and his brother was crying. So I got all 3 u/SadPetDad21'

20 Something: Cutest Adoption Stories We Scrolled Through Today

original animation of a dog begging its human to rescue a stray kitten | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog in front of a human and a kitten in a bush

Sweet Doggo Begs Human To Rescue A Stray Kitten

story about an ugly cat getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of an ugly grey cat

'Ugly' Rescued Cat No One Wanted Finally Finds Forever Home

16 before and after adoption pet images | thumbnail before and after image of dog "This is Lenore before and after being rescued by an amazing rescue, The Damaged Ones! After receiving lots of love & TLC, Lenore does not even look like the same dog anymore."

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

video about billboard advertising senior dogs at shelter | thumbnail left man standing in front of billboard, thumbnail right billboard with dog ad, text Dog is given her own billboard so she might finally get adopted and leave the shelter after two years

Huge Billboard Featuring Rescue Dog Gains Attention In Hopes Adoption (Video)

discussion adoption vs rescuing dog |  thumbnail text "Should i feel guilty for buying a dog (purebred) instead of adopting one ? I bought my dog five years ago i was a teenager i love him and take care of him , guys he is literally the love of my life BUT however recently my best friend has been shaming me for buying instead of adopting and the more i think about it the more gulity i feel. Help me out guys what are your thoughts ?" " Getting dog from shelter/rescue: Good. "

Discussion: Feeling Guilty About Buying A Purebred As Opposed To Rescuing From Shelter

13 images of one eared golden retriever rae | thumbnail left rae one eared golden retriever smiling, thumbnail right rae yawning, with text Rae a unicorn dog with an ear on top of her head, is viral hit on social media

One Eared Golden Unicorn Named Rae Takes This Week's Animal Instagram Spotlight

imgur thread about rescuing a paralyzed stray cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of an injured cat 'Paralyzed Rescue Cat D*ldoDantes'

Thread: Heartwarming Rescue Of A Paralyzed And Injured Stray Cat

11 images discussion of rescue dog breeds, like a box of chocolates | thumbnail blue background "A rescue dog is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you're gonna get [Fluff] My husband and I are still in college and living in an apartment, but after talking about it for months we decided we wanted a puppy. "

Instances Of Rescue Pups Labeled As Certain Breed Turning Out To Be Different Breeds Altogether

video of doberman and owner | thumbnail left dog hugging owner, thumbnail right dog laying with owner

Sweet Doberman With Difficult Beginnings Is Awwdorably Attached To Owner (Video)

series of cats choosing their humans | thumbnail left cat "This little stray cat wandered inside our house last week and made himself at home named him Tofu," thumbnail right cat "This feral cat decided live with us, so built her house"

20 Sweet Instances Showing That Cats Choose Their Humans And Not The Other Way Around

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten in a box 'This tiny beast just came home with me today u/ucla5566'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

imgur thread about a cat getting rehomed | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat near a climbing wall and a cat lying on someone's lap 'First four days with my rehomed kitty! The mystery of how the cat tunnel made it to the kitchen is solved DukeNukemsD*ck'

Thread: The Awwdorable Shenanigans Of A Newly Re-Homed Cat