
 photos of incredible animals before and after being adopted | thumbnail includes two photos of a stray cat, before and after adoption

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

story of a kitten waiting on the driveway of some home until she gets rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black kitten sitting on a driveway and a black kitten next to a dragon plush

Kitten Decides It's Done With Outdoor Life, Sits On The Driveway Of A Home Until She Gets Adopted

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a man holding a puppy and a nurse 'This man was forced to give his dog to the Humane Society due to undergoing lengthy hospital stay. This nurse found out and immediately went to the shelter and adopted his dog. She brings him to visit daily and will return him as soon as the man is released! u/Sensitive-Ad-8403'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

a beautiful series of before and after photos of animals after adoption | thumbnail includes the before and after of a sickly dog that was adopted

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

story about a kitten who ran into someone's backyard for food getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a ginger kitten

Kitten Runs Into Random Backyard For Food, Ends Up Finding Forever Home Instead

a reddit am I the asshole thread about a woman who was contacted by a woman who wants her cat | thumbnail includes text saying 'I did everything I could to find her owner, contacted shelters, put it on social media, but no one claimed her so I kept her for myself.  However, a few days ago I was contacted by a woman claiming to have been her owner. She said that she had been in rough financial shape and going through a toxic relationship, and her now ex boyfriend dumped the cat.'

Woman Is Asked To Give Away Her Cat, Takes To Reddit For Advice

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a black kitten climbing up someone's leg 'New “foster” Cattleya. I wasn’t exactly planning to keep her, but the first family interested in her said they planned on having her declawed. I don’t think she’s going anywhere. (She is not touching the ground in this photo!) u/T3nacityDog'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

12 text based reddit images, foster wants to keep dogs drama | thumbnail background two small golden puppies hugging each other "Posted by u/rose-ramos 1 day ago 389 Adopting two dogs; foster mom is being very clingy and trying to talk me out of it. Help? [Help], My wife and I are adopting two dogs from a rescue we're both fond of. The foster mom doesn't seem to understand boundaries; she will text and call me multiple times a day, including on Christmas Day,

Sus Woman Fostering Dogs Begs Adoptive Parents To Let Her Keep The Pups, Unpleasantry Ensues

story of a cat mom getting adopted a few months after her kitten into the same forever home | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten sitting on a woman and a cat next to her eight kittens

After Adopting A Kitten, Woman Returns To Shelter For Cat Mom Who Has Been There For 6 Months

twitter thread about a man finding a frog in his salad and adopting it | thumbnail includes a picture of a frog in a lettuce box and one tweet 'Plant - Simon Curtis ... @simoncurtis I found the cutest little frog in the bottom of my romaine lettuce tonight- it's too cold to set him outside (27 degrees), but he's been living in the lettuce in the fridge for several days now- does anyone know what I should do so that he doesn't die? 6:13 AM - Dec 21, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 9,402 Retweets'

Twitter Thread: Man Adopts A Baby Frog He Discovers In His Salad

pawsome stories about the power of love | thumbnail includes the before and after photos of an incredible puppy

Before And After Adoption Glowups: Power Of Love

a story about a woman dumping her boyfriend because he doesn't approve of her cat | thumbnail includes text saying

Woman Chooses Cat Over BF, Asks Internet For Advice

a thread about a woman chose husband is pressuring her to adopt a dog | thumbnail includes  text saying ') so the thought of a dog, along with everything I'm already doing, just sounds exhausting to me. I think it's relevant to note that I have not slept through even one night since having our son, I've always let my partner sleep because he works even on weekends so to say I've been tired for a while is an understatement.'

Husband Pressures Wife To Adopt A Third Animal: Reddit Advice Thread

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with one eye 'I just adopted my first cat! Everyone, please say hello to "Nick Fury", or "Fury" for short! He's had a rough little life on the street, but now he has a nice warm home! u/mc_donkey'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

a reddit thread about a boyfriend who is trying to steal his girlfriend's cat on reddit | thumbnail includes text saying '. We agreed that he'd fly the cat back with him because he was supposed to visit me in Jan 2022. Then all of a sudden he revealed to me over text that if his mom decided to keep our cat he would let her.'

Man Tries To Give His Girlfriend's Cat Away: Reddit Storytime

pawsome stories about the power of love | thumbnail includes the before and after photos of an incredible puppy

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups