
video about a cat with a health condition asking to be petted all the time | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sleeping cat and a cat cuddling with a woman

'Penny Taps On The Couch When Its Cuddle Time': Cat Asks For One Specific Thing Every Single Day (Video)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of two cats cuddling 'Our 15-year old, 17lb cat spooning our 1.5-year old, 8lb cat. The smol one has adopted the cranky old man as hers, and he eventually went with it. u/Tlapasaurus'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week: 17 Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten with a wrapped up leg '2-ish months I posted on this sub about an orphaned 4 week old kitten I adopted from a farm... We rushed her to an emergancy vet where she stayed for 72 hours and was also treated for 3 large infected wounds, got over a dozen stitches and a large stapled bandage. I am SO SO happy the report that IGGY has made a FULL RECOVERY! u/Zaphoid411'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week: 18 Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories

video about a sick senior cat getting adopted and making friends | thumbnail includes one picture of an old ginger cat

Sick Elderly Cat With Weeks To Live Gets Adopted, Owner Rescues More Cats With The Same Illness So He Can Have Friends (Video)

viral thread about a senior blind cat getting adopted | thumbnail includes three pictures including a sick cat and a shaved cat and a cat cuddling with a person 'His health issues make him pretty un-adoptable. It’s the cold hard truth and that’s why I chose to keep him forever'

'His Health Issues Make Him Pretty Un-adoptable... That’s Why I Chose To Keep Him': Blind Senior Cat Who Was Neglected By Previous Owners Gets Rescued

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat on a cat tree 'We adopted this goofball a couple of months ago, brain not included. u/FatticusTheCat'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week: 20 Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories

video of a woman rescuing a cat and taking it home | thumbnail includes three pictures including a cat hiding behind a fence and a dirty cat and a cat brushing its head against a woman's face

Sweet Street Cat Has Had Enough, Showed Up In Human's Yard And Convinced Her To Adopt Him (Video)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of an old cat 'My sweet girl, Rayna, age 17. I adopted her three days ago. She is on hospice due to her cancer diagnosis, but still a happy kitty u/jepppej'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week: 18 Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories

video of a senior cat getting adopted | thumbnail includes three images including a cat sleeping in someone's arms and a woman hugging a cat and a cat headbutting a woman

'She Immediately Came Into My Arms': Spicy Senior Cat Who Was Rehomed Multiple Times Chooses Its Human And Becomes A Total Cuddlebug (Video)

viral thread about a dog person adopting two cats | thumbnail includes three pictures including a ginger kitten and a white kitten and a YouTube thumbnail of a kitten 'u/captainruinit 2 days ago A month ago I was a dog person and things have escalated rapidly since then: a photo journey of the last 3 weeks at our house Adoption'

'A Kitten Ran Out At My Husband After His Job...': How A Dog Person Got Adopted By Not One But Two Cats (Viral Thread)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat wearing a party hat '6 years ago, I decided to adopt a cat after losing my heart dog to cancer. I chose a super friendly 6 year old gray tabby named Smokey. Today is Smokey’s 6 year gotcha anniversary and 12th birthday. He’s the best cat I could ever ask for, and he’s turned me into a cat person for life. u/HistoryCat42'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week: 17 Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories

cats cat cat-distribution-system multicat multicat-household cat-addict crazy cat-lady whiskers cute funny relatable kittens kitten cuteness obsessed hobby rescue rescue-cats

'Cat distribution system sent me another': Multicat household is at the brink when a whisker-smitten woman takes home 7 rescue cats

cat-names cats cat funny-cats petfinder adoptions adoption adopted adopt-a-cat adopted-cat rescue rescue-cats local adoptable adorable cuteness cute feline kitty kittens

'Costco Hot Dog': Cat lover scrolls Petfinder and is flabbergasted by the hilarious cat names of adoptable kitties online (VIDEO)

24 cat pictures | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat', 'Skin', and 'Font - "He was only 99 grams at three weeks old when I just got him. I never would have imagined that she would become the way she is ».'

Smol Kitty With Big Blue Eyes Saved By Loving Family After Being Neglected Due To Health Condition, Nursed Back To Health In Heartwarming Adoption Story

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a screaming cat 'The cat adopted us lol this cat has been outside of my house for about 2 weeks. I was feeding it away from my house but then it started to stay at my doorstep. We took him in, took him to the vet and we named him Luis. I'm glad he chose us to be his family lol u/PublicBag4362'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week: 19 Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories

List of cute cat pictures | thumbnail includes two cat pictures, one of black and brown cat laying down with text 'Cat - Triceratops Domestic Short Hair . . Young Male Medium Bay City, MI . []' and including one of small gray kitten being held up in hand looking grumpy with text 'Cat - Hot Sauce Domestic Long Hair Fredericksburg, VA Kitten Male Small . Gray/Blue/Silver'

20 Kitties With The Cutest Goofiest Names Waiting For Their Furever Home To Show Your Boss To Convince Them To Adopt An Office Cat