
story of a kitten waiting on the driveway of some home until she gets rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black kitten sitting on a driveway and a black kitten next to a dragon plush

Kitten Decides It's Done With Outdoor Life, Sits On The Driveway Of A Home Until She Gets Adopted

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a man holding a puppy and a nurse 'This man was forced to give his dog to the Humane Society due to undergoing lengthy hospital stay. This nurse found out and immediately went to the shelter and adopted his dog. She brings him to visit daily and will return him as soon as the man is released! u/Sensitive-Ad-8403'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

story about a kitten who ran into someone's backyard for food getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a ginger kitten

Kitten Runs Into Random Backyard For Food, Ends Up Finding Forever Home Instead

story of a cat mom getting adopted a few months after her kitten into the same forever home | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten sitting on a woman and a cat next to her eight kittens

After Adopting A Kitten, Woman Returns To Shelter For Cat Mom Who Has Been There For 6 Months

twitter thread about a man finding a frog in his salad and adopting it | thumbnail includes a picture of a frog in a lettuce box and one tweet 'Plant - Simon Curtis ... @simoncurtis I found the cutest little frog in the bottom of my romaine lettuce tonight- it's too cold to set him outside (27 degrees), but he's been living in the lettuce in the fridge for several days now- does anyone know what I should do so that he doesn't die? 6:13 AM - Dec 21, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 9,402 Retweets'

Twitter Thread: Man Adopts A Baby Frog He Discovers In His Salad

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with one eye 'I just adopted my first cat! Everyone, please say hello to "Nick Fury", or "Fury" for short! He's had a rough little life on the street, but now he has a nice warm home! u/mc_donkey'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes two pictures including four kittens on a bed and four cats on a windowsill '7 years ago a stray cat gave birth to 4 kittens in my backyard and then never returned! I never had a cat before, and thought I wasn’t a “cat person”. I told myself I would take care of them and then find them good homes-obviously I was wrong about a lot of things. u/Psychological_Key_96'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

collection of Facebook comments about cats being adopted | thumbnail includes a picture of three black cats and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Julie Dean Wingett These three sweeties (three months old at the time) were found in the parking lot of my husband's office. A few hours later, they had a forever home! OD 38 Like Reply Hide · 1w'

A New Collection Of Wholesome Cat Adoption Stories From ICanHas Users

collection of stories about senior cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Bob Roby We found Maggie close to death in our driveway and nursed her back to health. The vet estimated at the time that she was 9 years old. She only weighed 4 pounds. Three years later she's happy and healthy, and sleeping in my lap as I type this. OD9 15 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 2d'

Giving Senior Cats Love: Wholesome Stories Of Adopting Senior Kitties

the most wholesome animal adoption stories of 2021 | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten looking up lovingly at a person 'The moment I knew I had to adopt him. u/ConnorFroMan'

Meet The Most Wholesome Adopted Faces Of 2021: 45 Animal Adoption Stories

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat 'Just adopted a 13 year old cat. Who gets rid of an old cat? She’s great at purring. u/SpecialFeet'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

tumblr thread about a cat who saved a baby from freezing thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a baby and one of a cat in a box 'This baby boy was found with a bag containing baby food and diapers on a cold winter night in Obninsk, Russia. Masha the cat, saved the baby's life by curling around him and shielding him from below freezing temperatures.'

Tumblr Thread: Cat Saves Freezing Baby, Curling Up Around It And Screaming For Help

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat 'Opened the door to this stray. It’s the middle of winter. I now own a cat. u/AnPubLocked'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (21 Images)

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a man hugging a kitten 'I addopted this little guy couple of days ago. He was super angry and hissing. Now he's sleeping on me and meowing for cuddles. There's an issue tho. I got like 10 guitars, tons of vinyl and a lot of amps that I'd like to keep him off. How do I make him understand that he should not climb them? u/Kanagawabatice'

Awww Factor: 20 Wholesome Adoption Stories

all the newly adopted rescue animals of the week - thumbnail of two kittens snuggling "Went to adopt a kitten yesterday and her sister started crying for her as soon as they were separated. So now I have two kittens. Best decision ever!"

28 Heartwarming Adoption Stories We Found Online

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sitting on its butt 'This is my 20$ rescue cat. No one wanted him at the shelter. He’s a little funky. He has cerebellar hypoplasia, no righting instincts and is always squinting u/phil0d3ndr0ng1rl'

21 Wholesome Stories Of Pets Who Found a Forever Home