
collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a grumpy senior cat 'I adopted an old smoker lady with ear issues, this is the face she makes after her routine ear cleaning u/FireButt6000'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (March 10, 2023)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat looking out of a window 'Drove 2 hours each way and took a ferry to adopt this beefcake from the animal shelter. Incredibly handsome and polite. Begins purring violently the second you make eye contact with him. Makes that “eck eck eck eck eck”sound when he sees a bird through the window. 20/10 star cat. u/Snoo_87023'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (March 3, 2023)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat with its tongue sticking out 'This is Pudding, I adopted him - he has no teeth so keeping his tongue in is hard… u/ComprehensiveBus4933'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (February 24, 2023)

viral thread about a kitten getting rescued and adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a screaming white kitten and a beautiful white cat

Spicy Kitten That Was Found Alone, Sick And Hopeless Gets Rescued And Finds The Warmest Forever Home (Viral Thread)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of an angry looking cat 'Our cat of 22 years died suddenly, and my s.o. said there’s no way she’d want another. Two weeks later she surprised me with this rescue runt. She’s Gertie and she’s annoying as hell and we love her u/kirrk'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (February 17, 2023)

20 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - r/cats Posted by u/skeletonclock 3 days ago S This cat was handed into my shelter for eating the family hamster. Reckon she did it?' and 'Cat'

Criminal Kitty Returned To Shelter After "Allegedly" Eating The Family Hamster: Guilty Or Not Guilty? (Reddit Thread)

22 pictures of cats and comments and one video of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - No. Single. Kittens. I get an astounding number of requests from people looking to &', 'Cat - I like to nibble Have you ever had a kitten nibble on your fingers?' and one comment including 'Font - roshkaalzir This is the most useful information I've ever got about kittens biting behavior. Even doctors failed to mention this for me . lv been suffering and my rescued kitten from vet visits, b'

Single Kitten Syndrome: The Answer We've All Been Waiting For About How To Stop Your Cat From Biting

reddit thread about a 'cat that no one wanted' getting adopted | thumbnail includes one reddit post 'Font - r/cats 20 hr. ago Posted by abbsjanko Tortoiseshell : Adopting the cat that no one wanted In the beginning of November, after years of throwing around the idea, my husband and I decided we were ready to adopt a cat. Working from home and being completely alone the majority of the day was taking a toll on my mental health. So we decided to start looking for a companion. I found Jodi's'

Reddit User Adopts 'The Cat That No One Wanted' And Shares Their Heartwarming Story (Viral Thread)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat lying on its back 'I adopted him and his brother three months ago. He spent the first two nights crying until I figured out he just wanted a hug. Hasn’t left my arms since. u/LaurieGlovers'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week

UPDATE: Lilo the Orange Kitten is Saved From Drowning in a Flooded Trash Can, Then Gets Adopted by Her Rescuer 's Furrever Family

UPDATE: Lilo the Orange Kitten is Saved From Drowning in a Flooded Trash Can, Then Gets Adopted by Her Rescuer 's Furrever Family

'One-Eyed Theo', the Cyclops Cat, Was Rescued By His Furr-Ever Family After Being Abandoned and Maimed, Becoming the Mascot to a Global Charity in the Process

'One-Eyed Theo', the Cyclops Cat, Was Rescued By His Furr-Ever Family After Being Abandoned and Maimed, Becoming the Mascot to a Global Charity in the Process

video of a cat adopting two kittens that are not her own | thumbnail includes one picture of two fluffy grey kittens nursing on a hairless cat

Hairless Cat Who Tragically Lost Her Own Kittens Adopts Two Fluffy Newborns (Video)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a very old looking cat 'This is Flowers (named by our 6 year old). We captured and later adopted him almost a year ago. His age is unknown, but he's been in a stray in our neighbourhood for at least a decade. Despite that scowl, we think he's happy now. u/menichols'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (January 27, 2023)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture cuddling its face into someone's palm 'We adopted Vibes 3 1/2 weeks ago. I think he's realised he's going to be okay.. u/astraboy'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (January 20, 2023)

31 tweets of cats | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Cat - Michael's Cat @michaelscat2 post the first photo of your cat! no cheating!! :' and 'Cat - Laura @cestmoilaur. 19h Replying to @michaelscat2 On the way home from shelter'

Awwdorable Twitter Thread Features The First Pictures Owners Took Of Their Cats And It's Purrfectly Heartwarming (31 Pictures)

video of people explaining how they accidentally adopted six cats | thumbnail includes one image of four cats lying on the floor next to one another

Mom Cat Brings Her Kitten To Kind Humans For Food, The Family Ends Up Adopting 6 Cats (Video)