
collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a fluffy black cat and a non-fluffy black cat 'Adopted these two several months ago and was told that they hadn't had a single other visitor their entire time in the shelter poor voids. How could these two cuties have gone months without a single visitor u/fireflazor'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 20 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

stories of cats before and after adoption | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sick cat and a happy cat 'I found this guy living in my storage shed. After some much needed dental surgery and months of living indoors, he’s a new man. u/onside_trills0v'

Power Of Love: Heartwarming 'Before And After' Photos Of Cats Proving That A Little Love Can Go A Long Way

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes three pictures including a very small kitten and a kitten screaming and a kitten laying its head on someone's shoulder 'I just got Jim and he is ridiculously small u/pat4prez'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 20 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

viral thread and text exchange about a person finding a cat and returning it to its owner | thumbnail includes a text message exchange 'Posted by u/Professional_Pea5715 16 hours ago I saved a cat and had the most wholesome interaction of my life. Cat Picture' 'iMessage Tuesday 1:50 AM Hi! Your cat found her way into my house. She was super scared and about half frozen but has started to calm down. I tried calling but that's ok, she can stay'

In A Real Christmas Miracle, Person Rescues Missing Cat And Returns It To Its Owner, Creating A Heartwarming Reunion Between A Mom And Her Kittens

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a fluffy cat on its back 'He was living on my back porch as a feral Tom. Now he’s silly boy. u/ShivsButtBot'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 25 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten lying next to a laptop 'My Redneck Neighbors Abandoned This Adorable Kitten. I’ve Never Been a Cat Person Until 4 Days Ago. I Get It now. u/GoblinTradingGuide'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 20 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

foster rescue adoption adopted cats cat kitten kittens feline felines adorable cute cuteness mood felines humor whiskers wholesome

Glow up! 27 Adorable ‘Then vs. Now’ Cat Photos to Brighten Your Day

the cutest cat adoption stories of 2023 | thumbnail includes three pictures including a cat with one ear and one eye lying in someone's lap and a cat that had its whole bottom half shaved and a cat hanging off a shower curtain and screaming

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Year: The 50 Most Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories Of 2023

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and two dogs in a car 'My daughters labs adopted a kitten, who now as a cat thinks she’s 'one of the boys' u/Civdiv99'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 24 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of two black cats cuddling 'Nobody wanted them, so all they had was each other for a year in the shelter. Meet my adopted boys: u/OneHumanPeOple'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 21 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a black kitten with bright blue eyes 'My daughter kept asking for a cat. The answer was ‘absolutely not’. I didn’t expect to have one adopt us. Her name is Luna. u/Bronze_Adonis'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 23 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

viral twitter thread about a father losing his cat and brothers then his daughter adopting a kitten for him | thumbnail includes one picture of a man sitting with a cat and an adoption listing of a kitten and one tweet 'Barbara VanDenburgh @BabsVan My dad's been real, real sad ever since he lost his 17-year-old cat a few weeks ago, within a year of losing both his siblings. So I did a bad thing. 11:58 PM . Nov 17, 2023 8.4M Views 807 3.3K 121K ... 3.6K'

Twitter User Adopts A Cat For Her Dad After He Lost His Previous One, The Dad Gets Mad Then Immediately Falls In Love With The Kitten (Viral Tweets)

collection of pictures of tiny kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a man holding a small kitten and a tiny kitten next to a small blue car

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Biggest Criminal Masterminds In The Tiniest, Fluffiest Bodies (November 18, 2023)

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of an orange cat 'UPDATE: After 1 1/2 weeks, no one has claimed the orange kitty that walked into my house. Meet Pancake, our new cat. u/picklechip5'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 21 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of two cats cuddling in an empty TV 'Daughter was worried about the adopted void being accepted u/screaming_avacado'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 24 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories

collection of stories about cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of an elderly man cuddling with a cat 'My step-mom adopted a cat for her elderly parents. We were nervous her dad wouldn’t like him… u/kittyishhh'

Meet The Newly Adopted Feline Faces Of The Week: 20 Heartwarming Cat Adoption Stories