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As Hoomantiy Falls, Felines Shall Rise: 24 Hilarious Memes Cat Children Acting Like They Own The Place | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat loafing on a couch with eyes closed ‘4 years ago I lived in a bush and hunted for my meals. Now I have 2 passive incomes, my own house, & a personal chef. Follow for financial advice’, the other image shows a cat pushing its arm and head through a hole in a door ‘When your cat finds out you’re in the bathroom without them’

As Hoomantiy Falls, the Felines Shall Rise: 24 Hilarious Memes of Cat Children Acting Like They Own Your House

They have been planing this for a long time…
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22 Infantile Feline Funnies Hoomans Who’ve Had Enough Acting Like Grown-Up | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat sitting looking angrily up at the camera ‘I HAVE’ ‘HAD IT WITH YOU’, the other image shows a kitten lying on its belly holding its ears ‘LALALALA’ ‘I CANT HEAR U’

22 Infantile Feline Funnies for Hoomans Who’ve Had Enough of Acting Like a Grown-Up

Don’t grow up, it’s a trap.
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26 funny and cute cat photos | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and one meme including text 'I met this chill guy at the park'

26 Purrecious Pictures of Silly Cats Ameowsingly Acting Like Actual Hoomans

Cats and hoomans can be too similar sometimes
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25 Unhinged Cat Memes Hoomans Who’re Over Acting Normal | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat wearing a party hat ‘YOU’RE NOT CRAZY’ ‘YOU’RE AWAKE IN AN INSANE WORLD’, the other image shows a cat taking a bite of a burger ‘THAT’S IT’ ‘I’M SELF-UNDIAGNOSING’

25 Unhinged Cat Memes For Hoomans Who’re Over Acting Normal

Normal is SO 2023…
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25 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Felidae' and 'Cat'

A Shakespearian-Sized Series of Orange Cats With One Dramatic Brain Cell Performing Their Last Sassy Act

Oh brain cell, brain cell, wherefore art though, brain cell?
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19 pictures, comments, and videos of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Glasses - On this season of THE WHITE LOTUS X LOUIS VUITTON', 'Cat' and two comments including 'Happy - cosimagrace everything! team This is Excellent acting' and 'Font - princesshoneybelle I'm @jennifercoolidge from The White Lotus, if she were a cat. Mi capisce?!'

And The Oscar Goes To... Kitty Coolidge: Adorable Instagram Cats Impersonates Jennifer Coolidge And It's Hissterical (Pictures And Videos)

We want a hotdog real bad
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17 images and text images, cat faking injury redditors react | thumbnail three images of cat first faking injury and limping and then sitting normally "and the oscar goes too..fake injury= house entry"

Smart Tabby Cat Humorously Fakes Injury To Be Allowed Back Into The House: Reddit Cracks Up

And the Oscar goes to...
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acting drama vine Video - 80653825

This Dog Has Better Acting Skills Than Most of Hollywood

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An Otterly Convincing Actor

acting gifs funny otters - 8250054144
Via Burlapin

Great Actor

acting play dead gifs - 8218419200
Created by ToolBee

This Syberian Kitten is Taking Her Curtain Call

acting gifs kitten - 8201997056
Created by ani.s4 ( Via www.youtube.com )

There's an Opening for Toto...

acting Cats cute funny wizard of oz - 8153722368
See all captions Created by mamawalker

Best Performance of the Year!

Funny GIF of a dog acting amazing when owner fake-shoots him. A true performance!

Now That I'm Well Rested, I'll Be Walking All Over You

acting Hiking sucker - 7934883328

Whiskers Loves The Lion King

acting the lion king drama funny - 7821500928

A New Twist on Shakespeare in the Park

acting shakespeare park squirrels romeo and juliet - 6949426944
See all captions
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