
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cats' bellies | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman playing guitar and a cat

The Forbidden Belly Of Floof: The Cat Belly Song

video of a dad cat meeting its newborn babies for the first time | thumbnail includes picture of a cat bumping noses against another cat and kittens

Dad Cat Meets His Newborn Kittens And Gently Kisses Mom Cat (Video)

video of fawns released into wild | thumbnail two fawns cuddling

Sweet Little Fawns Released Into Wild: Awwdorable Reaction

video of a dog confused by the kitten in its bed | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog looking at a kitten in a dog bed and a kitten sitting on top of a dog

Doggo Shook And Confused By Kitten Occupying His Bed (Video)

video of a baby jaguar playing with its mom's ear | thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby jaguar biting its mom's ear and a baby jaguar falling

Ferocious Baby Jaguar Loses Battle Against Momma's Ear (Video)

video of a cat entering a door lock code constantly | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat entering a door lock code

Hooligan Stray Cat Enters A Door Lock Code Every Day (Video)

video of a bulldog interrupting a man's Zoom call | thumbnail includes a picture of a bulldog side-eyeing the camera

Bulldog Won't Stop Interrupting Her Dad's Zoom Meeting (Video)

video of a rescue of five cheetah cubs whose mom died | thumbnail includes two pictures including one of five cheetah cubs and another of a closeup of a cheetah cub

Rescue Of 5 Tiny Cheetah Cubs Who Tragically Lost Their Momma (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger animation of what cats do in the middle of the night | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat carrying a sock in its mouth

What Cats Truly Do In The Middle Of The Night (Original Animation)

video of a cat who loves rolling down the stairs | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat rolling down the stairs

Chonky Cat Loves Constantly Rolling Down The Stairs (Video)

video of a featherless cockatoo dancing perfectly to the beat of Biggie | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cockatoo dancing

Joyful Featherless Cockatoo Dancing Perfectly On Beat To Biggie

original icanhascheezburger cat bumblebee song | thumbnail includes a picture of a girl holding a guitar playing with a cat

The Bumble Bee Cat Song

video of a white fox cub who stole some raspberries | thumbnail includes two pictures of a white fox cub with a mouthful of raspberries

Itty Bitty Sneaky Fox Cub Steals Some Raspberries (Video)

video of a dog getting a puppy for his birthday | thumbnail includes two pictures of a giant dog and a woman holding a large gift box

Excited Doggo Gets A Puppy For His Birthday

original animation about a cat giving birth under a random guy's bed and getting adopted | thumbnail includes a screenshot of a guy sleeping with cats all over him

When A Cat Unexpectedly Gives Birth Under Your Bed (Animation)

video of a bald eagle with a dislocated shoulder being treated | thumbnail includes a picture of someone holding a bald eagle and a picture of a CT scan of a bald eagle on a computer

Rescuing And Treating A Bald Eagle With A Dislocated Elbow (Video)