
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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This Foe is Very Springy

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Next Trick For This Pug is Learning to Dial 911

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Sometimes Fitting and Sitting Takes a Little Perserverence

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When a Kitten and Donkey Become BFFs, The Internet Wins

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Watch This Clever Dog Trick a Man Into Playing Fetch

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Bambi, Is That You? Let's Play!

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Benedict Cumberbatch Cannot Say "Penguins" for the Life of Him

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Watch the Hilarious Way They Convince This Dog That the Door Isn't Closed and to Come Inside

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Watch and Learn as Scooter the Neutered Cat Shows You How Hip it is To Spay/Neuter Your Cats

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Jiffpom Knows How To Grocery Shop in Style

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Perfect Timing of the Day: There's Something a Little Off With This Cat's Meow

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Are You Kitten Me? Playing As Kittens in Assassin's Creed Unity Needs To Happen Right Meow

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Chillaxing Like This Mini Pig is the Dream

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This Awesome Dog Works at an Airport Returning Passenger's Lost Items

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These Big Cats React to Eating Marmite Exactly As Most Humans Do

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Adding Captions to a Feeding Bearded Dragon Makes the Entire Process Hilarious