
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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This Hedgehog is Surprisingly Bad at Bowling

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In Russia, Bear Walks You

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A Russian Ship Hired Cats to Make Their Cruises More Popular

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Lucky Humans Train Their Tiny Fennec Fox to Sit

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Ringo the Baby Rhino Walks a Little Girl to School

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The Lonely Island Dudes Need Your Help to Save the Turtles

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Here's the Scientific Reason Why Calico Cats Are Almost Always Female

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Cats and Dogs Are the Silliest Sleepers and This Video Is Proof

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Watching This Mama Dog Get Reunited With Her Puppies Will Make You Tear Up

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Doggy Best Friends Hang Out After Months Apart

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Watch Kama the Surfing Pig and His Son Ride Some Waves With Their Humans

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Husky Tries to Wake His Owner but Ultimately Settles in for a Nap Instead

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A Florida Golf Course Is Home to a Giant Alligator, and Apparently That's Totally Normal

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A GoPro Strapped to a Cheetah Gives You a Front Row Seat to Watch How Fast These Cats Really Are

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This Bernese Mountain Dog Has a Serious Case of the Zoomies

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Turns Out BB-8 Has an Arch Nemesis and It's This Adorable Lab Puppy