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Great Dane Hangs Out in the Pool With a Sun Hat and a Floatie

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Have You Ever Seen a Baby Southern Hairy-Nosed Wombat? It's Adorable.

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Watson, the Adorable Retriever, Wants to Trust Fall Right Into Your Heart

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This Cat Plays Fetch Like a Dog; Might Be the Perfect Pet

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Playful Manatee Hangs out With Some Surprised Paddleboarders

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Wild Fox Asks Hiker for a Bite of His Energy Bar

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It's Hard Not to Be Impressed by Boomer, the Skateboarding Cat

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Hero Jumps Out of His Boat to Save a Drowning Baby Deer

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Husky Plays With a Stuffed Dog Toy Like It's Her Little Brother

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But Can Your Dog "Puke" Rainbows?

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An Easy Way to Decide to Never Wear a Pair of Loafers Again

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Only in Australia Would a Koala Break Into Someone's House and Try to Climb Their Stripper Pole

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Prince Michael Plays Pokémon Go Like a Boss

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Squirrel Outsmarts Rubber Band to Get a Delicious Peanut Treat

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Wombat Showers Her Human With Some Very Aggressive Kisses

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This Doe Makes the Weirdest Barking Noise While Jumping Around