
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Mating Manatees Caused Traffic Problems in Florida Because Of Course

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Literally Just Three Minutes of a Cat Grooming Himself

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Labrador Finds a Giant Sex Toy in the Woods

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Go Behind the Scenes of an Adorable Dingo Puppy Photoshoot

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Oliver the Cat Loves Diving Into the Garbage Can Head First

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Dog and Guinea Pig Share a Delicious Slice of Watermelon

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Squirrel Steals a GoPro and Takes Viewers on an Epic Adventure

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Watch a German Shepherd Drink Water in Slow Motion; It's Fascinating

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Much Float. So Swim. Wow.

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Sphynx Kittens Take a Fabulous Bubble Bath in This Artsy Video

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Big Dog Tries to Ignore Puppy That Wants to Play but Eventually Gives In

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The Thuglife Sphynxies Make Their Music Video Debut

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Zeus the Stubborn Husky Loves His New Car so Much That He Refuses to Get out of It

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Miniature Donkey Enjoys a Relaxing Afternoon in a Hammock

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Playful Puppy Discovers His Shadow for the First Time

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Cathletes Compete in This Pawesome Montage of the "Cat Olympics"