
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Precious Family of Pets Get Tucked in for the Night

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Hungry Goats Chow Down on Some Tasty Grape Leaves

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Mean Dog Plays Dead Just to Upset His Brother and We're Sorry, but It's Hilarious

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Loyal Pug Saves His Family From a Fire and Becomes the Hometown Hero

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Hero Rescues a Cat That's Stuck on the Ledge of an Apartment Building

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These Punk Rock Pets Just Want to Jam, Okay?

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English Bulldog Goes to His Favorite Pet Store to Do Some Shopping

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Baby Elephant Tries to Be Tough and Charges Toward the Guy Filming Her

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Adorable Koala Makes a New Friend When a Butterfly Lands on Her Nose

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These Snoring Dogs Will Either Soothe You to Sleep or Make You Thankful You Don't Have a Furry Roommate

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Confused Cats Can't Deal With the Sorcery That Is a Computer's CD Drive

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Firefighters Rescue a Stray Kitten That Got Her Head Stuck in a Pipe

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Charlie the Parrotlet Already Knows the Trick to Saving Money

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Funny Cat Does The "Hurry up and Let Me in" Dance

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This Heartwarming Story About a Rescued Puppy Will Hit You Right in the Feels

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Husky Very Loudly Announces That He Would Like to Go on a Walk