
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

shar pei Video - 83100673

Ava the Shar Pei Very Gently Wakes up Her Human

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Hurricane Nicole Blew in a Gigantic 14 Pound Lobster in Bermuda

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Cats Very Politely Share a Bowl of Milk by Taking Turns

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Corgi Desperately Tries to Play With Bigger Dogs

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Great Plains SPCA Grants Woman Her Final Wish: To Snuggle Some Kittens

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Jet Boat Captain Rescues a Drowning Wallaby and Takes It Back to Shore

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Parents Surprise Boys With a Horse and Their Reactions Are Priceless

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Sweet Elephant Thinks Man Is Drowning and Rushes to Save Him

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Watch a Bunch of Golden Retriever Puppies Clumsily Play on a Swing

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Cow Hilariously Tries to Lick Woman in Her Car With Its Super Long Tongue

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Kitty Breaks Into the Catnip Box and Rolls Around With Delight

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Howlception: Rottweiler Howls at German Shepherd Who Howls at the TV

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This Compilation of Rebellious Cats Will Make You Appreciate Your Well Behaved Pet

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Kitten Learns the Hard Way That Putting Your Entire Head in a Cup Is a Bad Idea

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You'll Die of Cuteness Overload After Listening to This Talkative French Bulldog Puppy

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Labrador Can't Seem to Figure out That the Bug Is on the Other Side of the Glass Door