
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

a video about a cat who goes to class | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat sitting on a desk in a classroom

The Heartwarming Story Of How A Cat That Was Near Death Became A College Student (Video)

original icanhascheezburger song about bodega cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat next to her

A Tribute Song To All The Adorable Bodega Cats Out There (Video)

video of a cat and dog who are friends | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sleeping on top of a dog

Rescued Cat Who Fears Dogs Chooses One Dog As Her Best Friend, They Become The Sweetest Best Buds (Video)

video of a man going on a walk and finding a kitten | thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten climbing up a man's leg

Man Goes On A Long Hike, Returns Home With A Loud Kitten Who Chose Him (Video)

original ICanHasCheezburger thanksgiving song about being thankful to your cat | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and a cat next to her

Right In Time For Thanksgiving, Saying Thank You To Our Cats In The Form Of A Sweet Song (Video)

video of a streamer rescuing and adopting a kitten | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten lying on a keyboard and a kitten with its eyes crusted shut

Video Game Streamer Rescues Sick Kittens From Her Backyard, And Shares Their Heartwarming Recovery Journey (Video)

video of a cat bringing food to its baby every single day | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat carrying a food bag in its mouth

A Cat Delivers A Bag Of Food To The Same Place Every Single Day: Sweet Story With A Heartfelt Ending (Video)

collection of funny cat memes pictures and videos | thumbnail includes a meme of a cat lying on a Chucky doll 'Textile - My husband brought home a Chucky doll and our cat loves it. KALT' and a picture of a cat yelling at a chicken with a candle in it

Cat Memes For People Who Can't Afford The Addition To Their Rent: Funny Pics, Vids And Memes

video of a blind cat who likes jumping and playfully attacking everyone | thumbnail includes two pictures including a man holding a blind cat in his lap and a cat cuddling with a dog

Family Adopts A 'Spicy' Blind Cat, And Now, He Won't Stop Surprise-Attacking Everyone (Video)

video of man playing guitar for cats | thumbnail image of cat placing it's paw on guitar

Playing Guitar For All The Local Cats To Hear And Enjoy Amidst Pastoral Goodness (Video)

video of a kitten getting rescued by a man | thumbnail includes a picture of a meowing kitten in the snow

Tiny Kitten That Was Abandoned In The Cold Yells Out For Help, Thankfully A Kind Man Rescues It (Video)

video of a cat mom bringing her kitten to her human | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat standing next to a newborn kitten

Very Tired Mom Cat Brings Her Kitten To Her Human When She Needs A Break (Video)

video of larry downing street cat testy with other animals | thumbnail image of larry downing street cat

Larry The Downing Street Cat Has Testy Relationships With Downing's Neighbor Animals (Video)

twitter thread about the Hulu TV special 'A Very Kitty Cocktail Party' | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Mx. D. E. ADerson @diannaeanderson okay lol, people, there is a ... "show"? I guess? On Hulu called A Very Kitty Cocktail Party and it's 19 minutes of kittens wandering around a "holiday party" set in sweaters and santa hats? Set to jaunty Christmas music? 4:35 AM - Oct 27, 2022 TweetDeck : 2,792 Retweets 469 Quote Tweets 41.5K Likes'

Twitter Discovers The Cutest Cat TV Special On The Internet: 'A Very Kitty Cocktail Party'

video of a cat trying to not wake up another cat and failing | thumbnail includes a picture of one cat that's sleeping and another that's looking at the first one intensely

A Very Dramatic Video Of A Cat Carefully Trying To Get Into A Bed Without Waking Up Another Cat

original ICanHasCheezburger song about black cats for Halloween | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman holding a guitar and headbutting a cat

The Black Cat Halloween Song: Giving Love To Our Beautiful Voids (Video)