
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Fluffy Kitty Tries to Make Snow Angels

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Musician Serenades a Couple of Cows With a Saxophone and They. Love. It.

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Baby Dressed Like a Lion Goes to the Zoo to Meet a Real One

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Super Chill Panda Sways Back and Forth on a Swing Set

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Pet Prairie Dog Can't Stop Stealing Kibble From a Real Dog's Bowl

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Cranky English Bulldog Protests the Idea of Going Outside

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This Chicken's Favorite Place to Hang out Is on Top of a Horse's Head

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This Video of a Dog Visiting Her Human in the Hospital to Say Goodbye Will Break Your Heart

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Dog Gets a Little Too Excited and Face Plants Cat Into the Snow

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These Kind People in Barbados Save the Lives of Thousands of Sea Turtles

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Lion Proves a Zookeeper's Point by Scaring the Crap out of Him

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Clever Parrot Pedals Around on a Little Bike Made Just for Him

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Human? Excuse Me? Can You Pet Me, Please?

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Vocal Kitty Loves to Chat With His Human While They're Outside

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Watching These Bengal Kittens Play on a Slide Will Add Years of Happiness to Your Life

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Jealous Shiba Inu Tries to Steal a French Bulldog's Fancy Jacket