
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Swayze the French Bulldog Can't Hide Her Hatred of a Toy Shark

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Group of Fishermen Find a Cow Stuck in a Channel and Stop to Rescue It

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Little Bear Cub Clings to the Man Who Saved Her From a Fire

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Happy Holidays From This Cat Who Is So Over It

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Munchkin the Teddy Bear Dog Wishes Everyone a Happy Holidays With Lots of Costumes

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Florida Woman Is Finally Allowed to Keep Her Pet Alligator and We're So Happy for Her

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"Little Drummer Cat" Is Our New Favorite Christmas Song

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Watch This Panda Destroy a Snowman and Have the Time of His Life Doing It

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Little Dog Jumps out of a Car Window in the Middle of Traffic, but Luckily This Guy Hits His Brakes

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Lilly the Dachshund Plays Dead for Tummy Rubs

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Floofy Kittens Are Perfectly in Sync With Their Little Head Tilts

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This Subway Rat Trying to Go Down an up Escalator Is All of Us

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Kitten and Chihuahua Play Fight in Bed While Their Human Films the Whole Thing

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Loyal Pup Is This Skateboarder's Personal Camera Man and He Gets All the Best Footage

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These Napping Fur Babies Are Giving Us Serious Snuggle Goals

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Stray Mama Dog Begs for Food to Take Back to Her Puppies