
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Cat on reddit that got creative in getting to his litter box

People Are Impressed By This Cat Who Finds a Creative Solution When He Couldn't Get To His Litter Box

aww cute otter baby otter Reddit - 481286

Baby Otter Exploring Water For The First Time

aww cute cat videos Reddit Video - 471814

If I Can't See You, You Can't See Me!

adorable good boy doggo Reddit pup Video helping - 472070

What A Helpful Good Boy!

two kittens at an office

This Company Hired Two "Office Kittens" And Their Shenanigans Around The Office Went Viral On Reddit

photoshop battle of a tiger with a pumpkin

The Pumpkin-Loving-Tiger Photoshop Battle On Reddit Was Everything And More

The Most "Cat" Thing A Cat Would Do

Scared Dog Photoshop Battle

16 Hilarious Results From The 'Scared Dog' Photoshop Battle On Reddit

friendship friends cute Reddit giraffes - 9225398016

A Giraffe Reaching Over To Meet A Friend

reddit mems

These Weird Memes Of Moths Craving For Light Are Taking Over Reddit

askreddit stories about spooky occurrences with animals

Reddit Users Share Their Experiences of Spooky Occurrences With Animals

AskReddit asks veterinarians about common mistakes everyone makes with their pets

Veterinarians of Reddit Answer, "What Common Mistakes Are We Making With Our Pets?"

a cover photo for a list from ask reddit- the photo shows a golden retriever in the pool on a float

Reddit Users Tell Stories of What's The Sweetest Thing Their Pet Has Done And Its Melted Our Hearts

askreddit stories about people's worryingly smart pets

Reddit Users Reveal 'What Worryingly Smart Things Their Pets Have Done'

human care instructions written by cat

Redditors Best Replies For 'What Human Care Instructions, Would Your Pet Leave'

a photo of two different pictures of two different cats but both sleeping or sitting on keyboards of a computer and therefore not letting there owners work

20 Cats That Have Taken Over Your Computer Keyboard