
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

a reddit item about a man who decides to fire his employee because her fox has made her a bad worker | thumbnail includes text saying 'She was aware of it and apologized, saying "sorry, I had to take [the fox] to a vet 1 hour away " or "sorry I'm late, [the fox] peed on me this morning before work and I had to re- shower," but it was happening nearly every day.'

Woman Asked To Surrender Her Pet Fox By Boss

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat sitting at a table 'So we don’t let are cat on the counter so this is what he does when wants something u/Malfurion109'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

14 text based reddit images aita naming dog same name as niece | thumbnail "Fast forward and my SIL is pregnant and finds out it is a girl. We are all so excited and happy and wondering about the name and she said Maybeline. I didn't really think much of it at the spot but I did make a comment about how that is what my puppy will be called. "

Entitled SIL Steals Puppy Name For Baby, Asks Sis To Pick Different Name For Puppy

pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes two pictures of an old cat 'Nutmeg, the world's oldest cat, celebrating his 31st birthday. (141 in human years) u/JediWithAnM4'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#164)

 12 reddit text images surrounding discussion of dog in dog friendly areas, offended woman | thumbnail "As I was walking around a lady approached me and she had her service dog with her. She asked me why do I not have my dog's "service dog" tag on him and I told her its not a service dog. She was smiling and talking in a passive aggressive tone to me and said " then why would you bring a regular pet in here?". I told her "because l'm allowed to?

Man Brings Dog To Pet Friendly Mall, Karen With Service Dog Gets Unreasonably Offended

a story about a woman riding first class being asked to change seats for a woman who had a service dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'The lady spoke up and said my seat would be great because it was bigger and could fit her service dog (Labrador) who was too big for her previous seat and I quote 'I usually get upgraded and people are kind enough to say yes and swap places without having an incentive'. This annoyed me as it came off entitled (imo) and'

Passenger Is Asked To Downgrade To Economy To Accommodate A Service Dog

a story about roommates fighting over cat | thumbnail includes text saying 'Over the last year and a half, I have been the ONLY one to purchase food or litter, and to clean the litterbox. I have also been the ONLY one to pay vet and rx bills for the cat. I don't mind this - fine, cool, I guess I now have a cute cat. My only'

Roommates Get Into Legal Battle Over Pet Cat

collection of posts of cats being weird | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat trying to headbutt a woman 'My Mom’s Cat Stares At Her Like This Until She Pets Him u/johntaylorsbangs' and a cat biting an embroidery 'Just trying to take a picture of my stitch. u/ComradeDippel'

Collection Of Cats Being Cats: Weird, Weirder And Purrfect

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat 'Opened the door to this stray. It’s the middle of winter. I now own a cat. u/AnPubLocked'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (21 Images)

reddit stories about why people abandoned their pets | thumbnail includes a story saying 'A few weeks later he went missing from the farm. I'm convinced he went looking for home. If he ever made it there, we were long gone. He'd never survive without a family. I am so sorry, Riker. I love you.'

People Who Had To Abandon A Pet Explain The Circumstances

16 reddit text images, host sets strict rules for sister in law's service dog | thumbnail text "Marjorine22 · 16h NTA, I guess. You clearly don't want the dog in your house and your rules make it very clear that your SIL is kinda welcome with her dog with a long list of rules. But like a good number of these borderline NTA questions, I wouldn't want to hang out with you. Claire should find something better to do with her time than go to rules house with her life saving animal. "

Host Sets Super Strict Rules For Sister In Law's Service Dog, SIL Says She's Gone Too Far

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat near a small house with food 'I Ditched Going to my In-Laws so I Could Have Thanksgiving With The Stray Cat That Lives in my Garage u/Mookadonia'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

crows get back at bully neighbors - thumbnail of story "Our building has a decent sized crow population. I've always liked them, so I decided to make friends. Spent some time doing research on them and their diets and went out and got some snacks that would be nutritious for them. Every couple of days I'd chop up some fruits and veggies and grains and take them out to their favorite tree in a little tupperware box. I'd pick it up later and it would be empty. It got to the point where they'd know

Reddit User Befriends Crows Who In Turn Help By Getting Back At Bully Neighbors

pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of two women holding two dogs 'I adopted this good boy in March, and to celebrate his first birthday I arranged a playdate with his littermate! u/thelionmermaid'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#163)

a series of short clips of dogs spinning and rotating | thumbnail includes  two photos of pets spinning around in the air.

Adorable Animals Spinning Around

 a funny compilation of animal thanksgiving memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a fat squirrel 'How I feel after Thanksgiving' and a cat grabbing a raw turkey from a counter 'I'm holdin' it back!'

12 Thanksgiving Memes Right In Time For The Gobbling Holiday