
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

| thumbnail includes 'AITB for serving my girlfriends cat divorce papers?' 'a few nights ago I came home from work and my gf had dressed the cats up and was in the middle of performing a marriage ceremony. I was really angry, she had gone behind my back when I had specifically told her not to.'

Girlfriend Furious After Boyfriend Divorces Their Two Cats

13 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text " I've been working from home for the last few years and I've found that my dogs have managed to teach themselves that me taking my headset off means it's time to come and hassle me for treats/attention! Has anyone else's dog started developing weird working from home quirks?"

Reddit Users Compare Their Dogs' Adorably Weird Working From Home Quirks

a reddit thread about a woman whose boyfriend forbid her from letting her dog sleep in their bed at night | thumbnail includes text saying 'Boyfriend "put his foot down" about our dogs'

Woman's Boyfriend Commands Her To Kick Pet Dog Out Of Bedroom: Internet Weighs In

pics and vids of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog 'I just found out that my neighbors tell their dog I'm outside when they want him to hurry up and get out the door. This is him waiting for a treat from me. u/powaqua'

28 Very Cute Animal Posts From Around The Web

an a-hole gets paid to watch his sisters dog and does a terrible job, then asks the internet if he did the wrong thing | thumbnail includes text saying 'The dog came with a long list of "instructions" which I thought was very pretentious. I put the dog in my back yard and pretty much forgot about him. I made sure he had plenty of food and water though. He mostly ran around, barked and dug a hole which I didn't mind. I even tossed him a couple bites of chicken which he loved.'

Woman Pays Brother To Watch Her Dog: He Breaks Every Rule She Sets

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "She has been making faces left and right about the pets, claiming she has allergies, the macaw is too loud when it talks, the dogs pitter-patter around the house is annoying, the cats sleep on her clean laundry.. I think she only likes the bunny and turtle as the snake apparently grosses her out as well."

Entitled Karen Moves In With Brother And His Wife Rent Free, Demands They Get Rid Of Pets

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat that has half black half brown fur 'Anyone know why my former void is becoming a brown bear as he ages? (He’s 18) u/The_Kendragon'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

 a thread about a woman who forbid her bf from bringing his dog inside her house | thumbnail includes 'AITA for telling him if he doesn't stop forcing his dog on me than his dog will not be welcome in my home?' and '26F. I will start off by saying that I am not a dog person. Or an untrained dog person, is more like it. '

Woman Forbids Boyfriend From Bringing His Dog Over

pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat in a window 'hello neighbor how are you? u/quiyassino'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Animals (#173)

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "I (f25) have two dogs. 'Abby' (15) and 'Sam' (4). Both were rescues. My boyfriend 'Jim' moved in with me three months ago and I'm losing my mind. Jim had pets growing up and is a self proclaimed 'expert'. Inherently I have no issues with this, but since moving in, he micromanages everything I do with my dogs."

Controlling BF Moves In And Starts Micromanaging GF's Dog Parenting, She Goes Off On Him

a cat on Reddit saves his owners life by never taking his eyes off the wall | thumbnail includes text saying 'my cat is completely transfixed by a nondescript point on my wall, to the point of not eating or sleeping'

Cat Becomes Obsessed With 1 Wall In House And Ends Up Saving Humans' Life

a wholesome thread about people saying goodbye to their pets before they go | thumbnail includes text saying 'When leaving the house, does anyone tell their pets they will be home later?' and 'Of course! Otherwise, how will they know?'

Wholesome Reddit Thread: Internet Shares How They Say Goodbye To Their Pets

12 reddit text images entitled karen tries to pass of emotional support animal as service animal | thumbnail blue background text "She started to scream at me, threatening to sue me and call the cops. My response was:"For what? Refusing service to a woman who is faking a service animal? Which, by the way, is a civil penalty fine up to $250 each time in (state)? Go ahead, call the cops. I'll be here."

Entitled Dog-Toting Karen Flips Out After Being Refused Service Due To Her Fake Service Dog

a woman cut her in laws cats fur without asking them, is she the asshole? | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA for cutting the fur of my grandparent in laws cat?'

Woman Cuts Her Off The Fur Of Her In Laws' Cat Without Asking: Reddit Weighs In

13 text reddit images and one cat image | thumbnailblue background, dark purple cat graphic on right, text "This also extends to bedtime, where he will spend most of the night being King of the Hill curled up on her belly or hip. He is very comfy and pleased to be there, that there is very little that would convince him to move."

Man Gets Petty Revenge On Hooligan Cat For Hogging His Pregnant Wife And Projectile Vomiting

12 reddit text images, dog phrases to erase from existence | thumbnail blue background text "Freyhna · 6 days ago "Oh but I don't mind" there is a reason I don't want my dog to jump up on you and you allowing it/inviting her to do it is undermining me, my training, and confusing my dog. Ultimately I get to choose what behaviors are acceptable for my dog and jumping up on people is not one of them. Thi"s is for the ultimate safety of my dog and those around me.

Dog Owners Choose Common 'Dog Phrases' That They Want To Erase From Existence (Reddit Thread)