
Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

posted by wait_wtfdidijustread my brain scan came back positive i'm officially the crazy cat lady scan mri brain ct

It's official!

Hold onto your dreams

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Pampurr Yourselves With Twenty-Five Caturday Cat Memes

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How To Take Care Of Your Human: 8 Tips And Tricks

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Top 25 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #128

orange cat leaning on a table speaking into a mic: i refuse to answer the question as to whether or not i was being a rel asshole on the grounds that it may incriminate me

"Judge, I'd like to suggest we take a 5 minute catnap"

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Bone Appétit: Fresh Dog Memes Is A Treat

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One Scrumptious Animal Meme Cluster For Viewing Pleasure

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Smiling Cat Goes Viral And Becomes Newest 'Dad Joke' Meme

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Twenty-Four Catnip-Laced Caturday Memes

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Top 25 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #127

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Twenty-One Raging Good Boi Dog Memes

black and white cat using a laptop with its paw on a mouse: when you have a lot to do but you're spending your time taking an online quiz to see what flavor potato chip you are

Sour cream and onion!

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Mid-Week Kitty Litter That Requires Clearing (15 Cat Memes And Pics)

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Extra Cat Memes For A Meme-a-licious Day

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Surprise Bonus Round: Extra Cat Pics That Delivers The Smiles