
Caturday is the natural conclusion that all cat owners eventually reach: Cats live everyday like it's Saturday.
Also a great excuse to share cat stuff online all weekend long.

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a frowning kitten 'Cat - It snowed today and Chicken was not impressed.' and a cat looking at shrimps with wonder 'Food - Find someone who looks at you the way my cat looks at shrimp andea"'

Getaway To Caturday: Litter Full Of Fresh Cat Memes

funny cat memes

Outrageously Furr-tastic Cat Memes To Honor Caturday

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat hugging a sweet potato 'Cat - Lisa Gabriele @lisagabrieletv Who needs a picture of my cat napping with a sweet potato in a salad bowl this morning?' and a cat behind a screen door 'Cat - Putting in screen doors for warmer weather, my cat thinks I moved the door.'

Caturday Shenanigans Galore: Fresh Hissterical Cat Memes

a compilation of funny cat memes on the internet | thumbnail includes two memes saying 'The last thing a Christmas tree sees before it dies' and 'when family is coming over for Christmas and your mom begs you not to be weird'

Halfway To Caturday: Cat Memes And Tweets

caturday funny cat memes cats animals lol | white and brown cat peeking from behind a couch with eyes squinted He wants third breakfast. grey cat with big green eyes looking offended told her stop licking herself near cuz noise is gross.

Cat Litter Full Of Caturday Memes

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a scared black cat 'Cat - When someone you don't like puts their weird hand on your shoulder' and a cat under a blanket phone surrounded by phones 'Cat - Our cat is obsessed with blanket forts, so we made him this. He has wares, if you have coin.'

Caturday Hullaballoo About To Ensue: Fresh Cat Memes

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat looking confused 'Mouth - Self care is putting your face on a very soft cat' and a person stuffing their face into a cat's belly 'Cat - Me trying to figure out if I really need to get out of bed in the morning or not'

Hoppin' On The Caturday Train With Hissterical Fresh Cat Memes

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat with a terrified face 'Eye - PLANOINFORMATIVO.COM Your cat can have the same mental problems as you. My cat:' and a cat standing next to cat graffiti 'Plant - His arrival was foretold in the ancient murals'

Celebrating Caturday With Hissterically Furrtastic Cat Memes

fresh cat memes every caturday - thumbnail includes two memes one of cat and dad changing a lightbulb together and one of a cute kitten staring at the viewer "i deleted your "friends" list, now I'm the only friend you really have..."

Feline The Void With 36 Funny Cat Memes

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat climbing a door 'Property - Thought some one was kicking in the back door but was mango chasing a moth up the screen door but lucky it's a steel security screen while pickles watches on' and a cat with a cone 'Photograph - bonsigh Follow the vet needed to shave my baby's legs for the anesthesia and now she just has little boots on, met gala invite when tahthetrickster Follow FINALLY BOOTS WITH THE FUR'

Nutritious Scrumpdillyicious Cat Memes For Auspicious Caturday Dreams

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a before and after cat picture 'Cat - I found Mick in my garage three months ago before taking him in. He's come a long way' and a cat sitting next to a destroyed toilet paper roll 'Cat - Locked my cat in the bathroom while I made a meal because he was being annoying. Revenge was had'

Titter Away Through Another Purrfect Caturday: Cat Memes

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat hopping away when someone touches it 'Cat - i must go. my planet needs me.' and an angry cat in a box 'Cat - We call this the "Outrage Box" because she gets in it when she is mad at us spScU39a94d 40'

Skedaddle Away Into Yet Another Caturday: Fresh Cat Memes

a compilation of funny cat memes on the internet | thumbnail includes two memes saying 'you only like cats, that's not true, I like other animals as well' and 'Wanna hang out? me: sure'

Halfway To Caturday: Cat Memes And Tweets

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including two cats licking a window 'Cat - My two brain cells getting ready to make a decision' and a cat wrapped up in a blanket 'Cat - if you're ever feeling down Just remember that somewhere out there is a cat wearing a dish towel cape on a mission to save the world.'

Cattywampus Caturday Coming This Way: Fresh Cat Memes

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat with a funny haircut 'Cat - Me: Mom I want to see Godzilla movie. Mom: No we have Godzilla at home. Godzilla at home: yortho' and a cat behind a glass door 'Cat - My cat was missing for several hours, until I got a call from my neighbor..'

Making Way For Another Caturday: Hissterical Cat Memes

Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat behind a glass wall 'Cat - Do you hear them Clarice? Are the lambs still screaming?' and a cat complaining with a dog behind it 'Cat - Sarah (dog) stole a bite of Stella's food and Stella came running to me in the kitchen to literally bitch about it. ADOPT!'

17 Funny Cat Memes, Curated By a Very Specific Cat-Lady