
The finest cats on the internet. Here you can has cats, their cheeseburgers, and everything to do with the glorious feline persuasion. Whether you adore them from afar or have assembled your own army to assert world dominance, you will definitely appreciate these hilarious cat jokes puns and memes.

27 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat including 'WANTED 'Wanted for farting on Mum after screaming for cuddles'' and one picture of a cat including 'WANTED For bringing screaming, still alive cicadas into the bedroom at 3 AM.'

24 Feisty Feline Fugitives Wanted for Hissterical Hooliganisms and Clawful "Crimes"

28 cat memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'Me soaking up my little sunshine for the day on my little break @the_pizzacat' and one meme including 'This is the genie that appears when you rub a 2 liter bottle of mountain dew'

30 Cat Memes to Heat Up Your Tuesday With Sizzling Summer Sillies

8 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a kitten and one picture of an orange cat and a kitten

Stray Kitten Found Alone By Animal Lover, His Orange Cat Steps Up to Adopt the Empty Headed Hooligan and Become a Wholesome Feline Father

pictures of a cute cat that looks like a teddy bear | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cute ginger cat 'He looks like teddy bear'

'He looks like teddy bear': Unique Cat That Looks Like a Beautiful Bundle of Cuddles and Fluff Steals the Internet’s Hearts

thread about a boyfriend wanting his girlfriend to put her cat down because he got sick and her refusing and dumping him | thumbnail includes a section of a reddit thread 'earlier this week, i had to rush one of my kitties to the emergency room... i had asked my boyfriend to come along for assistance since it was a joint decision for us to get the cat. his first words to me were "it's best we euthanise him. it's for the best" to which i told him no.'

Insensitive Boyfriend Tells His Girlfriend To Euthanize Her Cat Because He Got Sick, Girlfriend Refuses, Dumps Him, And Her Cat Is Doing Much Better

30 Meowgical Cat Memes for a Miraculous Midweek Mood Boost

30 Meowgical Cat Memes for a Miraculous Midweek Mood Boost

25 Cozy Cats "Trapped" in Smol Spaces and Compartments

25 Cozy Cats "Trapped" in Smol Spaces and Compartments

26 picures of cats with costumes | Thumbnail includes two pictures of cats in costumes

26 Fabulous Feline Costumes That Will Surely Turn Heads at the Next Halloween Office Party

28 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat in sunglasses and a scarf and one picture of a cat with long hair

28 Fabulous Floofy Fuzzy Felines Better at Meowdeling Than You

50 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures of grumpy cats

50 Grumpy Cats Grinding Away Through the Work Week to Reach a Glorious Weekend

video of a deaf and earless senior cat getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a ginger cat with no ears in funny poses

Deaf, Earless, Senior Cat That Looks Like A Seal, Runs Like A Raccoon And Feels Like A Furry Baseball Gets Adopted (Video)

30 cat memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'Take me to the fridge, tiny human' and one meme of a hairless cat

30 Silly Summer Cat Memes to Make Today Purrhaps the Best Monday Ever

pictures of cats before and after adoption | thumbnail includes three pictures including a dirty kitten and a kitten in a cone and a fluffy clean kitten in a cone

26 Ameowzing Pictures Capturing Cats' Transformations Before And After Adoption

viral twitter thread about a couple fostering a feral kitten that sleeps in her foster dad's beard and listens to him playing banjo music | thumbnail includes two pictures including a grey kitten and a kitten sleeping in someone's beard 'My parents are fostering this feral kitten I found and within 5 minutes of dropping him off, my dad was playing banjo because "he's probably never heard a banjo."'

'Banjo basically lives in my dad's beard': Sweet Couple Fosters A Tiny Feral Kitten Who Likes Banjo Music And Sleeping In His Foster Dad's Beard

43 Clingy Cats Completely Clueless About Purrsonal Space

43 Clingy Cats Completely Clueless About Purrsonal Space

22 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat with a wizard hat and one picture of a cat on a board game

22 Fluffy Feline Furrballs Casting Fireball On a Quest to Quench Their D&D Desire