I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

tuck us in

Cheezburger Image 9618066432
Via Lolcats
video of a cat entering a door lock code constantly | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat entering a door lock code

Hooligan Stray Cat Enters A Door Lock Code Every Day (Video)

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bendy twisty kitty

Cheezburger Image 9617835520
Via Lolcats

see if I care

Cheezburger Image 9617834240
Via Animal Comedy

no draft plz

Cheezburger Image 9617834752
Via Animal Comedy
5 videos of animals in nature | thumbnail left lion and small tortoise, thumbnail upper right baby sea lion, thumbnail lower right octopus on coconut shell swimming in water

Top Five Raw Nature Videos Of The Week

Crazy Natural Phenomena To Pique Your Interest
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13 llama memes and videos | thumbnail left llama vs alpaca meme, thumbnail right llama eating from hand of human

13 Smile Worthy Llama Memes And Moments: Llama Appreciation (Images And Videos)

Llama Drama For Your Mama
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15 eagle images, scottish sea eagle resurgence | thumbnail two eagle images above water with title

Sea Eagles Spotted At Scottish Nature Reserve For First Time In Over 100 Years

Resurgence Of Sea Eagles After Extinction 100 Years Prior
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15 fluffy cat images | thumbnail left fluffy white cat in sink, thumbnail left fluffy grey cat laying down

15 Kitty Images Featuring Overwhelming Floofiness

Floofiest Kitties On The Interwebs
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12 video and images of aika and samoyed dogs | thumbnail left aika dog selfie with two crew members, thumbnail right aika with crew member in front of boat

Lost Dog Rescued By Ship Crew After Walking Through Arctic Ice For A Week

Amazing Dog Rescue By Russian Ship Crew
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36 cat snaps | thumbnail left cat riding stuffed pony, thumbnail left cat named ralph waiting outside for playmate

Cat Snaps Of Wholesomeness And Adorability

36 Snaps Full Of Feline Goodness
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20 dog memes | thumbnail left dog drake inspired meme "fetching the ball when its thrown...giving it back," thumbnail right two men meme "me getting the ball from wherever he got it stuck this time...my dog"

Nothin But Doggos: 20 Mood Lifting Memes For A Better Day

Nothin But Doggo Humor
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intawesting birdy

Cheezburger Image 9617835776
Via Lolcats
video of adult fox meeting fox cub | thumbnail fox meeting cub two images

Adult Fox Introduced To Fox Cub: Sweet Interaction

Adult Fox Meets Baby Fox
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No room for improvement.

Cheezburger Image 9617345536
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

It's an important lesson!

Cheezburger Image 9617386496
See all captions Created by narykids