I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
12 koala memes | thumbnail left koala meme holding foot when you're at a party, thumbnail right my puns are koala tea wordplay meme

12 Super High Koality Koala Memes

Koala Humor For Days
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imgur thread about a stray cat bringing her kittens to her human | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and kittens '"I looked over the fence and saw the cat I’ve been feeding had led her kittens to me. So I brought them inside..." - brunion'

Thread: Trusting Stray Cat Mom Brings Kittens To Her Chosen Human

Sometimes, you have to take a chance <3
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25 frog memes | thumbnail left frog looking at candle arson meme, thumbnail right take me home country toads meme

25 Frogalicious Ribbit Worthy Memes

Frog Humor And Lots Of It
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twitter thread about rescuing a baby chick | thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny baby chick and one tweet 'Carnivore - Karma Renee @iAmMissKarma I found a baby chick on my porch.. he's all alone and chirping like crazy. We have hella chickens over here so seeing them is normal but the chicks are never alone or too far from their mom. I don't know what to do'

Twitter Thread: Rescuing And Returning A Baby Chick To Its Family

And helping it return back to its family <3
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15 before and after adoption glow up images | thumbnail left cat before and after with text, thumbnail right dog before and after with text in foreground

Before And After Adoption Glow Ups: Aint Nothing A Little Love Can't Cure

Amazing Post Adoption Transformation
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten sleeping on a woman's shoulder 'An exhausted stray, knowing she's found home. u/momjeans2121'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#144)

Too. much. cuteness.
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wasn't me nope definitely not

Cheezburger Image 9624532992
Via Lolcats
video of a bear mom and her cubs visiting their human friends | thumbnail includes a picture of a bear and two bear cubs

Wild Bear Brings Her Cubs To Visit Her Lifelong Human Friends (Video)

The most heartwarming video.
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Cheezburger Image 9624532736
Via Lolcats

i take dis

Cheezburger Image 9624534528
Via Animal Comedy

slipper mode or doggo

Cheezburger Image 9624534272
Via Animal Comedy
30 bird memes | thumbnail left pigeon with cash in mouth steal from the rich, thumbnail right bird meme both seats are occupied

30 Laugh Worthy Birb Memes

Squeak Squawk Laugh
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video of rabbit and dog friendship | thumbnail left dog with bubble quote text, thumbnail right rabbit with bubble quote text

Rabbit Waits Every Day At 8am To Play With Doggo BFF On Morning Walk

Wholesome Interspecies Friendship
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viral imgur thread of funny pet petfinder profile names | thumbnail includes two pet finder profiles for a cat and a parrot

Awwdorably Ridiculous Petfinder Profile Names (Viral Thread)

Silly and cute.
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30 dinosaur memes | thumbnail left my gf and me being weird dino meme, thumbnail right its the final countdown dinosaur with keyboard meme

30 Prehistoric Dino Memes: Humor From Another Era

Huge Dino Hilarity
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Facebook comments about cats adopting humans | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Patrick Califia One of my roommates acquired a cat on Thanksgiving. She and both of her pit bulls were in a food coma. The cat, who was feral, walked in (stepping on the dogs), climbed up on the table and ate a bunch of Turkey, then sashayed into the living room and fell asleep snuggled up to her. O 28 Like · Reply Message 4d'

Heartwarming Stories Of Cats Adopting Humans

Sometimes, it's them who choose us <3
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