I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
video of baby foxes | thumbnail left two foxes pictured, thumbnail right baby fox laying on lap of someone sleeping

Growling Baby Foxes Turn Into Sleepy Puppies On Their Rescuer's Lap

Floofy Baby Foxes
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mwahaha he has no idea

Cheezburger Image 9625248512
Via Animal Comedy

OINKment heh heh get it

Cheezburger Image 9625248256
Via Animal Comedy

I can has fwiendz?

Cheezburger Image 9625240576
Via Lolcats
12 images of cat story and comments | thumbnail cat image background text foreground

Girlfriend Gifts Awdorable Cat Called Yubaba To Partner For Birthday

Best Gift Ever
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12 cats that look like aliens | thumbnail left cat with toys trying to contact mothership plus text, thumbnail left cat withdrawing money from atm

12 Cats That May Or May Not Secretly Be Aliens

Felines From Outta This World
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viral imgur thread of a chicken with a scissor beak condition | thumbnail includes two pictures of a chicken with a cross beak condition 'This is Dory, and as you can probably see, she has something called cross beak. Even as it progressed, she still strived- it felt like overnight how quickly it worsened... my dang bleeding heart couldn’t give up on her and I’m so glad I didn’t grrumble'

Thread: Affectionate And Goofy Scissor-Beak Chicken Strives For Best Life

Never give up on them <3
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12 images of maru the shiba inu from instagram | thumbnail right and left images of maru with flowers

Star Of Instagram And Our Hearts: Meet Maru The Japanese Shiba Inu

Doggo Vibes And Hella Floof
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5 cat videos from instagram | thumbnail left cat in raincoat outside, thumbnail right two cats with cans of tuna and birthday candle

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

Feline Vibes Only
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - theradioghost I STEPPED OUTSIDE OF THE FRONT DOOR OF MY OWN HOME ONLY TO FIND THE DEER THAT TRIED TO KICK MY ASS LAST YEAR STANDING RIGHT THERE IN MY FRONT YARD. BOLD AS BRASS. AM I NOT SAFE ANYWHERE ANYMORE theradioghost for those of you who were not here last year: this deer is the most obnoxious, unnatural red-orange color I've ever seen, only appears when it's raining, and once chased me a quarter mile through the woods. her n'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Mild Panic

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat behind a glass door 'Cat - This asshole refuses to use the cat door even when pinned open and will wait for me to open the door for him.' and a racoon eating peanut butter 'Photograph - Why is there a raccoon eating peanut butter on my bus? Jife AKAMS MEMES'

Rise And Shine With Some Fine Animal Memes

19 funny animal memes
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Cheezburger Image 9625240064
Via Lolcats
video of elephant eating pumpkin | thumbnail left and right image of baby elephant with parents and vegetables

Baby Elephant Pyi Mai Learns How To Eat Pumpkin For The First Time

Pumpkin For Breakfast For This Elephant
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ah yes a little snack

Cheezburger Image 9625153792
Via Lolcats

well this is awkward

Cheezburger Image 9625154048
Via Animal Comedy

check yourself

Cheezburger Image 9625154816
Via Animal Comedy