I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

mm mm good thanks to my friend the hooman

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Via Lolcats


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Via Animal Comedy
collection of dog memes | thumbnail includes two dog memes including a smiling puppy 'Dog - HE'S SMILING IN HIS SLEEP' and a dog on a walk looking back 'Dog - He turned 15 this year. Still turns back to make sure I'm still there'

Smol Dump Of Doggo Memes For Smiles Above All

Awwdorable and funny doggo memes.
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12 images surrounding story of two foster kittens and dog, thumbnail dog and two cats cuddling

Dog Takes Shy Kittens Under Her Wing and Shows Them Courage

We'd like to highlight a story about a very special doggo whose maternal touch wins over her human's foster kittens every time! Our story starts with two kittens, about 10-12 weeks old, who were found in a New York City back yard. They were timid and hesitant to approach people, after much effort they were brought to a local rescue. At said local rescue, Asa came into the picture. A foster volunteer with a 7 year old doggo called Kona at home prepared and ready to play "mom" to any potential fo…
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15 lizard memes | thumbnail left you're a lizard harry meme, thumbnail right hehehe lizard meme

Scale Your Way Through 15 Silly Lizard Memes

Now hey, we get that lizards might not be your usual go to animal for meme humor. But bear with us here! Did you know several species of lizards are kept as pets ? They are quite popular, actually. They might not be as affectionate as pet dogs or cats, but there is something charming about these weird creatures. We're not sure what it is that charms us about lizards. ANYWAY, enjoy this silly compilation of scaly, venomous, and hilarious lizard memes. And enjoy checking out these interesting and…
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11 cat images story of cat and truck driver | thumbnail left cat and paul selfie, thumbnail right cat sprawled on dashboard of truck

Lonely Truck Driver Adopts Abandoned Stray Cat

Hello Cheezburger users! We'd like to introduce you to the sweetest pair ever. Paul Robertson and his cat Percy absolutely adore each other! Paul is a once lonely truck driver, but lonely no more! Driving for days on end can get lonely and Paul realized he could use some company. A few years ago Paul decided to adopt a cat named Howie to become his road companion. Unfortunately, Howie left this world in 2017 and Paul was left with a void in his heart. Fast forward a little, Percy prances along …
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stories of people adopting senior cats | thumbnail includes a picture of three cats and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Kimberley Galloway Reid We adopted 10 year old brother cats. Willie (in front) died a year later due to kidney disease. Waylon 14, (middle)is still living his best chubby life. They joined Ripley (in the back) who will be 25 in January. Ripley has been in the family since he was a year old. 30 Like · Reply · Message · 2d · Edited'

Choosing To Adopt And Love Senior Cats: ICanHasCheezburger Stories

All cats deserve love <3
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14 dog snaps | thumbnail left dog with bite out of remote snap, thumbnail right dog with files organizing snap

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

Yawnnn. Good morning folks. Well, we better get ready and get going to work. Oh wait- JK it's Saturday! We love us some Saturdays. There's nothing quite like relaxing at home bundled up with the AC on (summer heat!) with a delicious iced coffee just waiting for us on our kitchen table. We love it! And the fact that we get to prepare the freshest and silliest doggo snaps is a bonus! With a little sugar, spice, and everything nice, we compile for you the silliest most tail wagging, bone licking, …
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat touching a lamp 'Cat - Now I have to unplug my _lamp at night. Because this furry bastard learned how to turn it on. And he turns it on every time he's hungry in the middle of the night.' and two buttons that look like cat eyes 'Cat - For a couple of minutes I talked to the laundry thinking that it was my black cat. Felt pretty stupid when i realised that those were buttons and not her eyes...'

Laughing All The Troubles Away On This Pawsome Caturday

Happy Caturday!
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Uhm...you had your coffee yet ?

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video of woman who opens café for special needs crows

Woman Opens Café Out Of Her Home For Special Needs Crows (Video)

Shreya Jha is based in Mumbai, India, where she tends to the local population's crows. She's got one legged crows, crows with various deformities, crows with serious injuries. Her goal is to help these animals as much as she possibly can! We know that in the wild, animals with deformities and injuries have a very low survival rate. It's her moment of joy every morning when she opens her windows and is greeted by a swarm of hungry crows! The café is open for business! In pop culture crows are al…
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hehe crime scene squirrel strikes again

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Via Animal Comedy

u cheeta!

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Via Animal Comedy

It's complicated

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See all captions Created by narykids
16 animal memes | thumbnail left pantaloons turkey meme, thumbnail right penguin it was a joke meme

Silly Series Of Heartwarming Animal Memes

Howdy folks, good day! We hope you are well and have saved some mental energy space for a delightful series of silly animal memes! We're feeling good about how the week is progressing. Maybe that's because we have all the tools we need to keep ourselves motivated and energized for the coming week, and we want to share them with you. Here goes nothin. We've got a pawdorable series of all things animal humor on deck and ready for you, are you ready for this? Well you better get ready. We got some…
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video of baby weasel | thumbnail left baby weasel yawning, thumbnail right weasel in grass

Teeny Baby Weasel Found In A Sink Decides Stuffed Bunny Is His Mama (Video)

When found, this lil baby was only a few inches long but packed an intense scream! He let everyone know he was there, there was no way he could be missed. He was taken in by Kim, a wildlife rehabilitator. Lucky for him! Kim believes that something happened to the little weasel's mom, because it is totally abnormal to find a newborn baby weasel so casually. Kim, being the awesome wildlife rehabilitator that she is, placed a stuffed bunny in her baby weasel's enclosure so he would have a friend t…
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