I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

Bed and brekfust

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video of a bear eating a pile of apples | thumbnail includes a picture of a bear next to a pile of apples

Pawdorable Bear Causally Munching On A Pile Of Apples (Video)

Having the time of his life.
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why hello there officer

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Via Animal Comedy

yes we judge, no we won't apologize

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Via Lolcats

guys come on, be a lil sensitive

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Via Animal Comedy
20 images and gifs of animals driving | thumbnail left cat behind wheel yelling, thumbnail right image of cat driving small car

Buckle Up: Mischievous Cats And Dogs Behind The Wheel (Images and Gifs)

Hey friends, you know it's no secret that we love our pets . Those innocent cutie pies sure do know how to find themselves in trouble, though. Wherever mischief goes, the pets follow! And today, the mischief has found itself behind the wheels of our vehicles. That's right folks, these cats and doggos are coming for your cars and taking the wheel, so you'd better buckle on up. We hope these good boys and girls have good sense of direction, because we are not sure where this journey will lead us.…
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video of woman and squirrel | thumbnail left and right squirrel images

Woman Adopts Aggressive Special Needs Squirrel And Shows Him Love (Video)

Desmond the squirrel is quite the character! This lil squirrel was born with no hands, and as a part of his unfortunate birth defect, he is unable to shred nesting materials and needs care. That's when Amber comes into the picture. She had originally placed him in a foster home, but he became aggressive towards his foster mother and Amber understood that it was time for Desmond to come back to her direct care. Desmond chilled out a bit once he returned to Amber, refraining from his previous agg…
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13 dog memes, thumbnail left don't fart in apple store dog meme, thumbnail right cookies dog meme Ican have two

A Few Silly Dog Memes To Get You Through A Ruff Day

Yo, what's happening. Ah ah ah- allow us to cut you off right there. Truthfully, it doesn't even matter what's happening, what matters is what's about to happen. And right now, what's about to happen is that we've got a few pawesome silly doggo memes to shove in your face that we are pawsitive will help you get through even the ruffest of days! So don't trip, don't cry, it's all good in the hood. We got you covered, homies. Let's enjoy this together, just you and us, we enjoy by creating the co…
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compilation of 15 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left "tell your baby to stop crying before I bite it, caption this" dog on airplane, thumbnail right "larry, 34, engineer, father of 2, loves his family" bird meme

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

Wait a sec- It's only Wednesday?! We've worked so hard, we've been so productive, we thought for sure we were closer to the weekend. Sighs. Alas, there are a couple more days standing between us and our one plus one cocktails happy hour. Guess we'll need some way to pass the time from now until then. Hmm. Perhaps a silly collection of mid week animal memes and tweets for the soul is what we need. Yes? Yes. We know it ain't easy, getting through the work week. Responsibilities, bills, all that j…
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this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat on a model street and a group of muddy hippos

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (22 images)

When words aren't enough...
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a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat lying down 'This little fella came by, scouted my house and went to sleep on my bed. I should mention this is not my cat, nor have I ever seen it. u/BioFrosted'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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Via Lolcats
video of hungry cat | thumbnail left cat climbing on oven, thumbnail right cat opening packaged food

Hongry Cat Learns How To Open Food Containers On His Own (Video)

For this silly cat, eating isn't a game, it's serious business! A very silly and hongry cat called Trekkie has one priority in life… FOOD. This kitty will watch his owners from a distance as they prepare lunch, snacks, and everything in between, just waiting for his opportunity to strike. He sticks his lil kitty head inside of food packaging until his mission has been accomplished. He waits until his owners have their guard down and BOOM. Food stolen off the oven. BOOM. Food mysteriously disapp…
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Via Animal Comedy

when your human wants to play but you are notttt feelin it

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Via Lolcats


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Via Animal Comedy