I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

hiya mister!

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Via Animal Comedy

the hairbrush...It's alive!

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Via Animal Comedy

Kittie has his human very well trained.

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See all captions Created by icguy34
18 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left cat holding paws up "This is 'Keys'. She keeps putting her paws in the air and nobody knows why," thumbnail right corgi meme "Fascinated at crossing Corgi with any other dog breed results is basically Corgi disguise as other breed."

A Healthy Helping Of Humorous Animal Memes

Hello to all of our friends near and far. We gotta let you in on something. Unfortunately, the motivation to get out of bed today is purrty much nonexistent. Today's one of those days where everything is just “meh.” We're trying to get out of this funky slump, though! Good thing we have stock piles on stock piles of everything wholesome and good in this world, saved right onto our handy dandy computers. There's nothing like a bit of wholesome animal humor to give us that extra pep in our step. …
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list of discussion on letting dogs lead on walks | thumbnail blue background text " I guess where it makes a difference is if you have a reactive and/or scared dog. It can help them mentally if you are leading. They may feel relief that you are in charge, so to speak. I dogsat an elderly Chihuahua for a month and it was visibly more comfortable in a follower position on walks. It also makes a difference if the dog tends to pull on the leash or"

Discussion: Letting Your Dog Lead On Walks And How It Affects Their Behavior

Doggo owners and lovers, we came across a discussion today that you might just relate to! Daily walks are a big part of the doggo training process. You give your dog both verbal and physical cues to help explain what you expect from them. A big part of dog training during these walks also come from you, the doggo owner, managing your dog's behavior by leading the walk. Reddit user and OP has decided that he's had enough with attempting to lead his dog on walks, and has decided to just allow his…
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collection of new dog rating tweets | thumbnail includes a picture of a black puppy biting someone's finger and one tweet 'Dog - WeRateDogs® @dog_rates This is Mattie. She's extremely dangerous. Will bite your hckin finger right off. 12/10 would still pet with caution'

20 Fresh Ultra-Awwdorable Doggo Rates By 'We Rate Dogs'

Wholesome and more wholesome <3
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list of possum memes | thumbnail left possum meme "bye hot girl summer, hello deranged possum fall," thumbnail right possum meme "introverts belike know spot and then go home"

Self Deprecatingly Silly Series Of Possum Memes

Some people might not understand the phenomenon of possum memes. Though, these critters have become something of a meme legend, almost rivaling their arguably cuter trash cousins, raccoons. How many possum memes have you come across lately? The answer is not nearly enough! We are here to change that and give you the appropriate dose of chonky possum humor to get your day going and your energy flowing. Possum memes are often self-deprecating. You know, the whole "I am trash, I am failure" type v…
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5 dog videos from instagram | thumbnail left dog wearing minion hat, thumbnail right two dogs grasping by mouth toilet paper roll cardboard "this fight is literally over an empty toilet paper roll"

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Hiya folks. Another Tuesday has arrived and we are chilling with it. Nothing too exciting happening here. You know, another day another dolla. But we want more than just a dollar today, today we want doggos. Big doggos, small doggos, energetic friendly doggos, shy and quiet doggos, we love 'em all. Every week , we love taking a glance backwards as we recount the funniest, cutest, and most rufferific doggo videos of the week! We've got big hopes for this week. It's a new month and with it a new …
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series of before and after adoption animal images | thumbnail before and after small cat left with eye infections and scruffy, right cat after image missing an eye but appearing healthy, text ""Here's Jack! He was found in the streets weighing only 6 ounces with infections in both eyes. Now he's a healthy boy at almost 4.5 lbs and one eye short! Wouldn't trade him for the world."

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

Hi friends, we don't like to start our days on a negative note, but this negative note leads to a positive note! Animal neglect is very real, regardless of whether or not you are personally familiar with it. And it is a terrible thing to witness, as well as to experience. And now for the positive note! Adoption can be the most amazing experience ever and have a huge impact on an animal's life! Every week , we highlight some of the amazing transformations that occur when a newly adopted animal i…
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with a funny haircut 'Vet said she needed to take a little off to get rid of a belly mat.... dropped off a mainecoon and picked up a shaved weasel. For a 15 yr old lady I think she’s still looking cute AF tho! Gonna sleep with one eye open... u/stoptouchingmeelmo_'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#150)

Too. much. cuteness.
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Happiness is

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See all captions Created by lindacser
video of donkey named hazel fascinated by man and guitar | thumbnail left hazel donkey and man cuddling plus guitar, thumbnail right "and i started to play and she just gravitated towards me"  man with donkey

Donkey Snuggles Into Guy's Shoulder Every Time He Plays Guitar (Video)

Hazel the Donkey has lived in an animal sanctuary for twenty years! The first time Christopher played the guitar for Hazel he was surprised by her reaction. She started cuddling up to him and it was clear that Hazel adored him. The sweet wholesome bond between Christopher and Hazel is clearly driven by Christopher's music and good vibes. Every time Christopher leaves the animal sanctuary Hazel can't help but cry a little. Their sweet bond is truly heartwarming. It is amazing to see how animals …
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just five more minutes mom plzzz

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Via Animal Comedy

oh nooz

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Via Lolcats

the service here is unbearable

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Via Animal Comedy
series of 30 dog and family reunion images | thumbnail left dog odin " A Fearless Goat-Herding Dog Called Odin Refused To Abandon His Flock Of Goats During Deadly California Wildfires In 2017, While His Owners Ran To Safety. Days Later His Family Returned To Their Destroyed Home And Found Him And The Goats Still Alive", thumbnail right dog odin with goats

Heartwarming Series Of Missing Dogs Reunited With Their Families

There are few things in this world more heartwarming than a reunion between a lost pet and his family. It breaks our hearts every time all over again when we read heart wrenching stories about families one way or another being parted from their pets. On the bright side , we are filled with happiness when the pairs are reunited once more! There are some truly unbelievable reunion stories, and they are all filled with wholesome goodness . That's why today we have compiled for you a series of thir…
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