I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

velcro cat is tired cat

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Via Lolcats
video of a tiny owl's shenanigans | thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny owl holding a piece of toilet paper in its beak

Newly Rescued Adorable Tiny Owl Causing Mischief (Video)

The shenanigans have already started.
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wash yo hands bro

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Via Animal Comedy

can I get some privacy up in here or what!

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Via Animal Comedy

Ima professional mischief maker

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Via Lolcats
collection of photos of dogs who work as service animals, police dogs, or any other profession | thumbnail includes tweet saying ' So in my roommates lab, one of her classmates has a service dog and apparently service dogs also have to wear lab gear &... Y'all.. just look how cute this is' and two photos of dogs, one in a labcoat and goggles, another pulling a sled

Puppers Workin' Heckin' Hard: Photo Album Of Dogs At Work

Consider this post your daily reminder that dogs are perfect and we really don't deserve them. Especially service dogs, who work tirelessly to ensure that the humans they protect stay safe. We've talked about service dogs before, from a cute service dog duo , to some silly service dog memes , to an important rant about why service dogs are so important . Suffice to say that we love service dogs, and we want everyone to learn more about the importance of them and the work they do. What we have b…
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Facebook comments about cats attacking bugs | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Top Fan Jeffrey Small A really large moth the size of a hummingbird flew in our bedroom one evening. I wasn't worried and let it be but my wife didn't like it. A little while later our new kitten came in, jumped up and swatted it to the ground and ran off with it. She is my wife's hero now. D9 14 Like · Reply · Message 3d'

Heroic Cats Saving Humans From Terrifying Bugs (ICanHasCheezburger Edition)

Our heroes.
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list of the 10 largest dog breeds, twitter thread | thumbnail includes two photos of large dogs, and the text 'Top 10 largest dog breeds in the world 2020.  A Thread.  Make sure you share'

Informative Twitter Thread: The 10 Largest Dog Breeds In The World

Here at ICanHasCheezburger we looooove doggos. Big dogs, small dogs, short dogs, tall dogs, we are doggy-positive no matter what. But we must admit that we have a special soft spot for enormous chonky dogs that act like gentle giants . Many large dogs seem to have a complete lack of awareness for how big they truly are, which gets extra funny when big dogs try to act like small dogs and sit on people's laps. It's also adorable watching tiny children playing with enormous dogs , nothing could be…
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5 dog videos from instagram | thumbnail left calf kissing grey pitbull dog, thumbnail right goofy smile dog black and white

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Hi friends. Another Tuesday has arrived and we are chilling with it. Nothing too exciting happening here. You know, another day another dolla. But we want more than just a dollar today, today we want doggos. Big doggos, small doggos, energetic friendly doggos, shy and quiet doggos, we love 'em all. Every week , we love taking a glance backwards as we recount the funniest, cutest, and most rufferific doggo videos of the week! Doggos make us so gosh darn happy we can hardly contain ourselves. Eve…
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14 before and after pet adoption images of pets | thumbnail left brown dog before adoption thumbnail left brown dog looking dapper post adoption text "“From abandoned in a field to our home. Norman may be an old man, but he will live his retirement out very loved.”

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

Here at ICanHasCheezburger, we love inspiring good vibes and we do our best to spread kindness and positivity! By volunteering, adopting a pet, and donating to our local shelters, we can all make an impact! That's right, we're talking to you, buddy. Adoption can be the most amazing experience ever and have a huge impact on an animal's life! Every week , we highlight some of the amazing transformations that occur when a newly adopted animal is showered with love and affection. Whenever we come a…
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes two pictures including a woman hugging a bear and a bear and a woman on a fishing boat 'Russian woman befriends bear that she rescued from a safari park, now they go fishing together. They have a strong bond and are almost inseparable. u/its_muh_username'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#153)

Too. much. cuteness.
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I iz kitteh, I need kitteh door

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Via Lolcats
video of otters eating meatballs at home | thumbnail left two otters with bucket of meatballs in middle, thumbnail right otter reaching into bucket of meatballs

Awwdorable Otter Sibling Duo Super Excited About Chicken Meatballs (Video)

Hiya folks! Today we stumbled across a little slice of cuteness in the form of a video of two otters getting excited for some chicken meatballs and felt obliged to share it with all of you! We've met this otter sibling duo before, these videos by YouTube user KOTSUMET always put a smile on our faces. KOTSUMET lives in Japan and owns two Asian Small-Clawed Otters named Hana and Kotaro. Hana and Kotaro aren't just randomly eating chicken dumplings, no, no. There is a very special reason for this …
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silly humans, they'll never figure this one out

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Via Animal Comedy

loudly having my say! don't mind me!

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Via Lolcats

whoops sowwy dad

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Via Animal Comedy