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13 text based images about napping with dogs | thumbnail text  Yes!! One day I had my legs up on the couch, propped up against the arm rest. pup laid in between my legs with her head on my chest. Her and I fell asleep for over an hour like that. I think I was super sad that day too, so I just held her. It honestly was uncomfortable but was comforting"

Napping With Dogs: Silly Instances Of Humans And Dogs Catching Zs Together

Doggos. Naps. Doggo Naps.
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funny twitter thread/rant about giant rabbits | thumbnail includes two photos of giant rabbits and the text  'oh my god you can't feed a whole head of cabbage to a baby!' *reveals it's a giant rabbit*

Giant Rabbit Spurs Funny Twitter Thread

When we learn a new animal fact, whether it's about adorable doggos or cuddly bunnies , our hearts sing with joy. We always think we know everything there is to know about cats, or dogs, and then we learn a new random fact. In this case, there's a lot of information about rabbits that the average person would find really surprising, and we learned something quite new today. Giant bunnies exist, and they're incredible. Upon realizing that giant bushy tailed bunnies do indeed exist, one twitter u…
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5 cat videos | thumbnail left cat and rabbit "when your kitten thinks he's a rabbit too" thumbnail right cat family

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

Good morning friends! Ahh, another beautiful Sunday has made it's arrival, that can only mean one thing and one thing only …it's time for our top five Insta cat videos ! This weekend, we hope you have taken a moment to enjoy all things feline, but on the chance that you have not yet had that opportunity, we've decided to provide it to you! This series of the top five most purrfect cat videos of the week is exactly what you need, trust us. There's nothing quite like waking up to some awwdorable …
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13 videos and images of waffles the cat | thumbnail left cat "my name is waffles" thumbnail right cat in box

Waffles The Cat: From Unadoptable To Social Media Star Waffles Inspires On Instagram

According to Waffle's website, “Waffles is a Scottish Fold boy. When he was a kitten, people said he was ugly and he had trouble finding a home. All the other kittens found homes except him and he was left behind alone. He waited and waited, but no one ever wanted him. So many people said he was ugly or weird or sick, that after a while, he also started to believe it.” Oh no! We believe that Waffles is beautiful and special just the way he is! And a few months later, someone agreed with us! Waf…
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - kirstenlouisemcduffie: my dad had a skype interview today so he was sitting in the living room looking all professional in his suit and tie and everything while he's talking to the people who are interviewing him. and OF COURSE my cat decided that she NEEDED to speak at that moment so she just starts meowing left and right and talking crazy talk to the point where the interviewers just start laughing because she'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Interruptions

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a bunch of raccoons on a couch 'Furniture - Should I deal with my glaring emotional issues or should I just keep filling my house with more raccoons? @insta_raccoon_gram' and a dog sniffing a mouse 'Dog - Met a little mouse on our walk. Despite his size, Pod was very careful with it. My gentle giant'

Rise And Shine With 19 Funny Animal Memes

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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issa magic trick ;)

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Via Lolcats
video of three feral kittens getting rescued | thumbnail includes one picture of three kittens hiding under a couch part

Rescuing Three Terrified And Sick Feral Kittens (Video)

A heartwarming rescue <3
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hurry, human! tuna plz!

Cheezburger Image 9637222144
Via Lolcats

you wanna go???

Cheezburger Image 9637227264
Via Animal Comedy

mmm delicious tofurkey... blech

Cheezburger Image 9637226752
Via Animal Comedy
collection of classic cat memes and what each person's favorite means about them | thumbnail includes a meme of a crying cat 'Cat - when you finish your favorite TV show and the final episode ends with an acoustic version of the theme song:' and a picture of longcat

Cat Meme Classics: What Your Favorite Says About You

Pick a fave.
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article about a musician who writes songs using music samples from viral videos, cat videos | thumbnail includes a photo of the songwriter Meredith Bull with her cat, and another of her singing

Artist Creates Amazing Songs Using Viral Cat Videos

Something about cats really inspires creativity. Purrhaps it's the awwdorable shenanigans that cats get into all the time, or perhaps it's how wholesome and adorable cats are all the time, all we know if that our feline friends certainly provide a lot of inspiration all the time. For singer and musician Meredith Bull , a big cat-alyst to her musical career has been the inspiration she's gotten from viral animal videos on the internet. Meredith uses audio from viral videos and tiktoks, remixes i…
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List of funny photos of pet grooming fails, dogs who got a bad haircut | thumbnail includes an image of a dog with his head shaved and a cat with her tail shaved, tweet ' groomer messed up my poodles cut. He has damn bob. He looks like he is about ask speak district manager'

Doggy Grooming Fails: Doggos Who Got Bad Haircuts, But Are Making It Work

Sometimes in life you have a bad day. You miss your train, you spill your drink, or sometimes, you get a really awful haircut. Now puppers look pawsome no matter what, so when a doggo gets a truly terrible haircut, it's hard to understand how that can even happen. After all, doggos work hard to look out for their humans, they're truly mans best friend , so when a groomer misses a spot, or all the spots, we think ‘ doggone it!’. Although it can be a huge bummer when a dog gets a bad trim, it can…
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collection of animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a bee flying by a camera and a tweet 'Rectangle - A short story about decisions ifunny.co' and a paw mark in snow 'Product - so i got a notification from our security camera that someone was at the front door DANK Ren @GamelikeEA Buzz him in lol'

Smol Dump Of Animal Memes For Some Extra Giggles

A few more lolz tee hee
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13 cat and text based images | thumbnail image of cat with title "tips for create training your cat"

Nifty Tips And Tricks For Crate Training Your Cat

Hello to all of our cat loving friends, cat ownership is no joke! Our cats are our children and we want only the very best for them. Imgur User and feline behaviorist "adrianaontherocks" is using Imgur as a platform to educate and answer questions about all things feline behavior. "Hi Imgur, I'm your friendly neighborhood feline behaviorist. If you're having a cat behavior issue, or are just curious about something cat-related, feel free to ask me about it and I'll see if I can help you out." T…
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