I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
cute dog gets a dog toy as a present and refuses to leave its side | thumbnail includes two photo of a border collie smiling, one in which he's carrying a toy

Adorable Doggo Is Inseparable From His Tiny Toy

Birthdays are awesome. So are cute doggos. So consequently, doggos celebrating their birthdays are a whole new level of cute that we love to ooh and ahh at. Turn up the mewsic for all the cool cats and dogs everywhere, because this epic birthday story is a super cute collection of photos, each one funnier than the next. Sometimes, you get a gift that keeps on giving , and this adorable pupper enjoying his birthday gift is exactly that. It's even cuter than cats who are super obsessed with bread…
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14 animal memes | thumbnail left hegehog tweet screaming at floor, thumbnail left usain bolt with tortoise

Delightful Medley Of Animal Humor

Get ready to laugh
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16 before and after adoption pet images | thumbnail left flustered dirty small cat, thumbnail right same cat cleaned up “The first day I adopted this abandoned kitty and 48 days later.”

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

A little love goes a long way
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog wearing a shower cap 'The Vet is very familiar with my boxer. They know he's good natured, so they decided to put a cap on him. They sent me this picture u/fatherlongleg'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#155)

Too. much. cuteness.
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why thank you!

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Via Lolcats
video of cats covering bohemian rhapsody by queen, catsody | thumbnail 4 cat heads floating with black background "mama I just killed a mouse"

Bohemian Catsody: A Rhapsody Parody Song for Every Cat Queen and King (Video)

Queen plus cats equals queen cats
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the queen will loveee this

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Via Animal Comedy

whoops not again

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Via Animal Comedy

giddy up

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Via Lolcats
compilation and roundup of funny animal memes and tweets for October | thumbnail includes a photo of two dogs and the caption 'September 20th vs October 1st'

Fresh And Fun Animal Medley For October

Fall is officially here
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video of capybaras eating a huge pumpkin | thumbnail left and right capybaras eating pumpkin

Squad Of Hongry Capybaras Devours 100 Pound Pumpkin In True Spooktober Fashion (Video)

Cronch cronch
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fun game, spot the hidden cats inside of the photos | thumbnail includes a cat hiding under a bench and a cat sitting in a hedge, semi hidden

12 Cats Hiding In Plain Sight: Fun Spot The Cat Game

Find the cat
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20- dog memes | thumnbail left dog and mailman meme "sir it should be the box that says chewy on it" thumbnail right baby clifford and baby snoopy tweet

Wholesome Doggo Humor Dumperooni

Doggo Dumpo
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collection of black cat appreciation memes and posts | thumbnail includes a meme of a black kitten 'Dog - It's dangerous to go alone take this smol boi with big murder mittens' and a picture of a black cat making a funny face 'Eleanor Raven’s first catnip experience u/gonzolady'

Spooktober Special: Black Cat Appreciation Collection

It's spooky time.
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14 animal tweets | thumbnail tweet text I know we're all tired of being on Zoom, but some important Zoom etiquette reminders: - everyone wants to see your cat - don't just say “my cat is here," hold your cat up to the camera so we can see it - when your cat is on camera, either say "cat" or type "cat" in the chat

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

A sweet and silly treat
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collection of wholesome animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a duck looking into a mirror with a bunch of positive post it notes and a cat lost in a grocery store 'Cat - wondering where mommy go mom.. six year old me in the supermarket where are you? a The guy in the iînformation area gide em-vindo W men Helo Rick Come, this is no place to die'

Heartwarming Animal Memes To Start The Week Off Pawfectly (October 4, 2021)

Good vibes only.
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