I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
funny article about a dolphin staring at food at a wedding reception | thumbnail includes text saying 'Whose idea was it to have this rehersal dinner at an aquarium? This dolphin has just been staring at the food.'

Hungry Dolphin Stares Down Catering At Wedding, Steals The Show

Can I have a bite?
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12 text based images discussion dogs acting as child care providers | thumbnail text "My GSD checks on everyone in the house throughout the night. My oldest son got disoriented one night after moving rooms and my dog always gets up to walk him into our room and when he went to the kitchen instead of the bedroom, my dog started SOBBING the loudest saddest sobs, I've never heard before. And I jumped up to see him trying to heard him to me. Love sweet stories about dogs protecting their babies."

Doggos Embracing Parental Instincts And Acting As Babysitters

Everyone loves free childcare
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collection of spooky cat photos and tweets | thumbnail includes two photos of cats being spooky and the text 'send me pictures of your cats being spooky'

Smol And Spooky Cats Embracing The Halloween Spirit

Trick or cat treat!
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list of cute photos and funny tweets about the zen garden cat | thumbnail includes photo of the zen garden cat and text 'Well I did say I needed more non-work hobbies to relax me'

Feng All The Shui With The Cat That Was Turned Into A Zen Garden

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video of 7 moth species analyzed in slow motion | thumbnail image of moth close up colorful with word "moths" in white text purple background

7 Spectacular Moths in Slow Motion

These spectacular moths were released after filming
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ICanHasCheezburger Facebook comments about their pets being affectionate | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat outside and a Facebook comment 'Plant - Therese Lier When i was depressed, had been deeply depressed for some months, my cat started nagging me relentlessy and i could NOT make him stop, finally i just left the apartment to get away from him. He followed and we ended up going for a long walk. The next night he did the same nagging until i took him for a walk. That became'

Most Heartwarming Things Pets Have Done For Their Humans: ICanHas Edition

They can be the biggest sweethearts <3
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Halfway To Caturday cat memes and tweets | thumbnail includes text saying 'setting my alarms for 5am at 1am' and 'wait for rubbing the belly'

Halfway To Caturday: Cat Memes And Tweets

It's that time of the week!
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18 animal related memes and tweets | thumbnail left otter tweet image otter with cane "Kristen Arnett Follow @Kristen_Arnett how come this otter looks like he's about to guide me on a quest 4:27 AM - 24 Jan 2018" thumbnail right rabbit fluffy fat looking in mirror "babyferaligator: Ur beautiful and ur gonna do great today"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

Good vibes only
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this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including an owl walking funnily and a cat halfway out of a window

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (24 images)

When words aren't enough...
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a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of four kittens 'There are four cats in this picture u/tsNevergiveup'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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Kitty Made In Japan

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Via Lolcats
video of a crow trying to fly with a handmade set of peacock wings | thumbnail includes a picture of a man in front of a desk and a crow on the desk

Crow Who Can't Fly Attempts To Fly With New Handmade Peacock Wings (Video)

Both human and crow are working hard <3
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Mr. Bossy Pants

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Via Lolcats

Thanks Deer

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Via Animal Comedy

Lil' Rat Nap

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Via Animal Comedy
tumblr thread about Australian birds being jerks | thumbnail includes a tumblr post 'Font - millshouse why has nobody mentioned the fact that in australia there are 3-4 months a year where everybody just accepts that they're going to get attacked by magpies. It is literally called "swooping season" and these birds will fly down to peck your fucking face, and people get their eyes ripped out and shit, it's fucking brutal. sociopathic-italian-grandmas My teacher had to go to hospital and have'

Tumblr Thread: Unbelievable Stories Of Australian Birds Being Jerks

Jerks but still cute.
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