I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
a story about a roommate whose dog accidentally threw a cat out of the window with a happy ending | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA if my dog accidentally killed my roommates cat while I'm not home? So my roommate(28F) and I(27F) have lived together for 3 years. We each have a pet. I have a dog(Eros) and my roommate has a cat(Tut). They have always been best friends because they were raised together and got along since they were similar in size(Eros is 15'

Woman's Dog Chases His Roommate's Cat Out Of A Window: Who Is Responsible

Who is the a-hole here?
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a humorous thread about a cat saved from a burning building who looks mildly annoyed | thumbnail includes photo of the cat looking upset and text 'I think he started the fire'

Cat That Looks Outraged At Being Saved Steals Twitter's Heart

Did I ask to be rescued?
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a compilation of tiktoks featuring ugly animals who act adorable | thumbnail includes three photos of ugly animals acting cute

An Ugly Animal Appreciation Post: Cute TikToks Of Odd Animals

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
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video of magpie playing dead in front of parents | thumbnail image through fence of magpie laying down playing dead with other magpie looking at him from above nudging

Young Magpie Plays Dead To Avoid Going Home With Mum And Dad (Video)

Home? Nah
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tumblr thread about a stingray covering a diver in the ocean | thumbnail includes a picture of a diver covered by a stingray 'Photograph - This helpful stingray offered itself up as a tent for a diver who decided to have a lie down on the seabed at Grand Cayman. (x)'

Tumblr Thread: Stingray Covers Diver Like A Blanket

There are perks to being a marine biologist
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15 images of farm house life, farm animals | thumbnail image of sheep, donkey, then chickens all in farm fields

Cattle Cuties: Farm Views from Northeast Georgia

Awwdorable farm vibes
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list of this week's funniest cat tweets | thumbnail includes two tweets saying 'This god-mn cat' and 'Why do we even bother buying catbeds'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (December 10)

Hissterical Tweets
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20 cat memes | thumbnail left cat meme wearing santa hat "instead of giving presents this year, I've decided to give everyone my opinion" thumbnail right cat meme "I'm not someone you want to put on speakerphone"

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #221

LOL plus cats...lolcats
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat 'Just adopted a 13 year old cat. Who gets rid of an old cat? She’s great at purring. u/SpecialFeet'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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What? I was just saying "Hello"!

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Via Animal Comedy
A big Bull Dolphin off the coast of Mexico destroys a coral reef | thumbnail includes a picture of a dolphin and a scuba diver

Powerful Dolphin Destroys Coral (Video)

Rare dolphin antics.
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Just Reading

Cheezburger Image 9651179776
Via Lolcats

It's Ok, I Have Time

Cheezburger Image 9651171584
Via Animal Comedy

Fun Fact

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Via Lolcats
doggo dog funny memes lol cute animals aww | Research has found dogs really like silly, high-pitched voice their owners use talk them | "Don't touch face" Ok "Wash hands frequently" Ok "Stop kissing dog" If die die. edogmemeofinsta

Distracting Doggo Memes Is Where It's At (34 Memes)

Fresh doggo memes
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cute tiktok videos of dogs waking up | thumbnail includes 3 dogs waking up

TikTok Users Share Their Dogs Morning Routines

Rise And Grind!
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