I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat standing next to a TV that fell and a mom giraffe kissing the head of a baby giraffe

Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (23 images)

When words aren't enough...
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a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a blind cat with its tongue out 'It’s my old blind kitty’s one year adoptiversary! u/KeyserSozeWearsPrada'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

The best kitty cats.
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What Alarm?

Cheezburger Image 9652500224
Via I Has A Hotdog
video of a man sitting on cat island in Japan and getting surrounded by cats | thumbnail includes a picture of two cats getting petted

Just Sitting On Cat Island And Getting Surrounded By Cats (Video)

Every cat person's dream.
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Just Letting You Know

Cheezburger Image 9652497408
Via Lolcats

Just Wonderin'

Cheezburger Image 9652498944
Via Lolcats

Can We Get A Taxi

Cheezburger Image 9652495872
Via Animal Comedy
dogs doggo memes funny doggos dog lol aww cute wholesome animals silly humor | don't know this dog is going through but can relate core funny dog lying back in a pool | Give him some room. He can do tiny puppy weightlifting at the gym

Squirrel-Chasing Doggo Memes (43 Dog Memes)

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15 reddit text images AITA brother gives away hamster | thumbnail "AITA for giving away my brother's pet hamster, YTDirtyCrossYT • 63d Partassipant [4] NTA The hamster shouldn't be seen by your brother+parents as an "entertainment thing" (if that makes sense lol). It is a living sentient animal. So, it's better to give him away to someone who cares about the little fluffy guy. Reply 1 116"

Pet Hamster Dumped On Big Bro After Younger Bro Loses Interest, Big Bro Rehomes Pet, Family Gets Pissed

Just stop
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15 christmas themed cat snaps | thumbnail left cat snap in front of christmas tree purple lights "Every year my cat forgets what a Christmas tree is and rediscovers the wonder." thumbnail left cat hanging from christmas tree snap "I think this is my new favourite Christmas ornament"

Merry Cat Snaps For Extra Holiday Cheer

Rockin around the Christmas tree (with our cats)
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collection of stories about senior cats getting adopted | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and one Facebook comment 'Cat - Bob Roby We found Maggie close to death in our driveway and nursed her back to health. The vet estimated at the time that she was 9 years old. She only weighed 4 pounds. Three years later she's happy and healthy, and sleeping in my lap as I type this. OD9 15 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 2d'

Giving Senior Cats Love: Wholesome Stories Of Adopting Senior Kitties

Adopting a senior is a special thing <3
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video of octopus living with professor | thumbnail octopus inside of home

Professor Rooms With Intelligent Octopus, Wonderful Delights Follow (Video)

Octopi are awesome
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14 images and text ways pets wake up their owners | thumbnail image of small brown and white dog sitting on couch, "Christy Hawkins Grilliette My dog gets right in my face and just stays there until I open my eyes and move around. Sometimes she may accompany this with a sneeze. "

List Of Silly Ways Pets Wake Up Their Owners, ICanHas Users Edition

It's feedin time
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collection of Christmas themed animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - 2ndplacewins In class we were talking about how cats teach themselves to hunt around their collar bells, and this dude followed that up with "well you know how Santa has those reindeer covered in those bells, right?" and what he going for was "the bells on cat collars are the same that reindeer are pictured wearing" But what *I* heard was "Santa's Reindeer are predator'

23 Festive Animal Tumblr Posts: Bringing On The 2021 Christmas Cheer

Merry Christmas - animal tumblr style!
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5 instagram dog videos | thumbnail left dog howling sitting on leather chair, thumbnail right big fluffy dog in snow

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Instant doggo goodness
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article about dogs and cats getting adopted with before and after pictures of the animals | thumbnail includes a before and after photo of a pupper

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

These pets are living their best lives!
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