I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
Facebook comments about cat owners reacting to scary noises at night by blaming their cats | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Jean Morrison not a nighttime story, but it fits: last spring, I heard a "THUMP" and immediately started yelling, "WHAT have you done NOW??" to my 3 cats. Then I looked outside and saw an enormous, tree-sized limb had just fallen from a white pine onto my lawn. "eerrrrr, sorry cats; guess it wasn't one of you, THIS TIME" D 45 Like'

Cat Owners Reacting To Scary Noises In Totally Appropriate Ways

Noises in the middle of the night mean something else when a cat is in the house.
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tweets about a dog who has half a face | thumbnail includes a picture of a dog with a deformed face and one tweet 'Dog - Haddie ... @HaddieTheDog I hate to bring down the fun, but I recently got a second tweet from someone BEGGING me to put Haddie down. I want to be 100% clear that I would never make a dog live through pain for "clout". She is a happy, heathy, NORMAL dog, and I hope you can all trust that 10:39 PM - Dec 18, 2021 Twitter for iPhone 720 Retweets 125 Quote Tweets 18K Likes'

Dog Who Lost Half Her Face to Brutal Dogfights Lives Her Best Life Now (Tweets)

Everyone deserves a forever home <3
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video of lion cub socially interacting with older lions | thumbnail image of lion with cub cuddling, orange frame half of image

Tiny Lion Cub Adorably Tries To Fit In With Teenage Lions (Video)

Wholesome lion family
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the 50 best cat tweets of 2021 from @TranslatedCats | thumbnail includes text saying 'Mom said she was afraid that she bought it and misunderstood. She stepped on her own grandchild.'

50 Best Tweets From 'TranslatedCats': Purrfect Kitties

The funniest tweets from the funniest Twitter account
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30 thoughts of dog tweets | thumbnail blue background "Thoughts of Dog® @dog_feelings ... just a heads up. i will be running around the house. as fast as possible. for the next 15 seconds. i will have no regard for furniture. or any individuals in my way. when i am done. do not ask me why i have done this. because i do not know 1:49 AM · Mar 3, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 13.6K Retweets 1,278 Quote Tweets 171.9K Likes"

Recapping 2021: 30 Best Tweets Of The Year By 'Thoughts Of Dog'

Welcome 2022!
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pawsome stories about the power of love | thumbnail includes the before and after photos of an incredible puppy

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

Pawsome adoptions!
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5 funny dog videos | thumbnail left big golden dog with bowl in mouth "making sure I see him" thumbnail right dog on broom stick with man covered by sheet "flying" in front of christmas tree

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Heartwarming goodness in doggo form
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of many lynx cubs and a lynx mom on someone's porch 'Mama Lynx and her babies wanted to make friends u/Insmurfii'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute (#166)

Too. much. cuteness.
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What The Heck?

Cheezburger Image 9654039040
Via Animal Comedy
an adorable story about a donkey who was rescued named Snickers | thumbnail includes a photo of snickers the donkey with a baby

Snickers The Awwdorable Donkey Loves Following His Little Brother Around (Video)

Donkey? More Like Don-cute!
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Cheezburger Image 9654040064
Via I Has A Hotdog

Look Here Hooman

Cheezburger Image 9654033664
Via Lolcats

Not Too Tall

Cheezburger Image 9654040576
Via Animal Comedy
cats memes cute funny animals vids gifs pics aww cat lol | attic-goblin he melted snow around him with sheer force will pic of a very fluffy hairy cat standing in a hole in the snow. cute baby cat in a furry pouch pocket on top of tartan print skirt Kitten in a Sporran. Traditionally Scotts used Sporran battle carry up three kittens, as backup their main two-handed battle cat.

Good Value Cat Memes At Budget Price (28 Cat Pics)

Step right up!
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pictures of dogs entangled in Christmas lights | thumbnail includes two pictures,  a small dog entangled in lights and big dog entangled in lights

Joyful Christmas Disasters With Dogs Entangled In Lights

When Christmas cheer goes too far
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collection of coyote memes and stories | thumbnail includes one post 'Font - solarpowerz 1 point · 10 minutes ago Coyotes are very shy gentle creatures. They don't want to mess with humans. They are excellent parents. Coyote attacks on humans are incredibly rare and only occur when humans have encroached on the coyotes territory so the coyotes can't raise their babies without feeling threatened- virtually the only time a coyote will attack is if someone gets between them and their kids. They'

Howlarious Coyote Memes, Stories And Appreciation

They get a bad rep for sure.
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