I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
16 images of animals being naughty |  thumbnail left cat stuck in structure, thumbnail right sleeping dog with mess around him

15 Naughty Animals Getting Themselves Into All Kinds Of Mischeif

Endless mischief
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an ugly rat gets adopted into a loving home | thumbnail includes two photos of a naked rat with his hooman being cute

Woman Adopts "Ugly" Hairless Rat (Video)

The cutest "ugly" rat ever!
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funny cat memes to ring in the new year | thumbnail includes an image saying 'me in my silly little bed, avoiding my silly little tasks' and another image saying 'Going in for a kiss be like'

Celebrate The Mew Year With These Hiss-terical Cats

The year of the cat!
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collection of facts about camels | thumbnail includes a picture of a camel 'Camel - Camels can drink up to 40 gallons of water in one sitting. ICANHA CHEEZ BURGER'

Paws For This Week’s Animal Facts: The Camels Said It’s Hump Day

Laugh and learn.
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14 dog snapchats | thumbnail left group of dogs class pictures snapchat, thumbnail left small dog yelling at orange leaves (fall season) "just my dog screaming at leaves"

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

Canine goodness
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a frowning kitten 'Cat - It snowed today and Chicken was not impressed.' and a cat looking at shrimps with wonder 'Food - Find someone who looks at you the way my cat looks at shrimp andea"'

Getaway To Caturday: Litter Full Of Fresh Cat Memes

Happy Caturday!
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Scary Capybara

Cheezburger Image 9655856384
Via Animal Comedy
video of a wolf resting in a pile of snow | thumbnail includes picture of a wolf lying in a pile of snow

Just A Wolf Getting Cozy In A Nest Of Snow (Video)

The softest little cuddle ball.
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Magic Rabbit

Cheezburger Image 9655855360
Via Animal Comedy

Astrology? What's That

Cheezburger Image 9655572992
Via Lolcats

We Can Has?

Cheezburger Image 9655855104
Via Animal Comedy
cat memes

When The Human Needs a Laugh: Cat Memes We Can All Relate To

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a reddit am I the asshole thread about a woman who was contacted by a woman who wants her cat | thumbnail includes text saying 'I did everything I could to find her owner, contacted shelters, put it on social media, but no one claimed her so I kept her for myself.  However, a few days ago I was contacted by a woman claiming to have been her owner. She said that she had been in rough financial shape and going through a toxic relationship, and her now ex boyfriend dumped the cat.'

Woman Is Asked To Give Away Her Cat, Takes To Reddit For Advice

What would you do?
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17 animal memes | thumbnail left two birds meme, one feeding other with memes, thumbnail right meme of black bird "Raven -  have cynical personality but heart is still full love and just want someone give"

Delightful Series Of Silly Animal Memes

Heartwarmingly funny
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An 'I Spy' game of find the animal | thumbnail includes two photos and the text 'Find the hidden animal'

Spot The Pet Hiding In Plain Sight: Fun Photo Challenge

Surprisingly Difficult
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video about dinosaur egg embryo recently discovered southern china | thumbnail black background with digitalized dinosaur egg embryo

Perfectly Preserved 72 Million Year Old Dinosaur Embryo Discovered In Southern China (Video)

Truly awesome
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