I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
42 pictures of big dogs sitting in humans laps | thumbnail two images of large dogs sitting on humans side by side

Big Dogs Unaware Of How Large They Are Sitting Comfortably In Their Humans' Laps

Hugely unaware
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weeks hottest and newest cat memes - thumbnail includes two memes one of a cat looking at a printer "my cat is obsessed with the printer so i send her messages during the day" and a black cat sticking it's tongue out "people: black cats are bad luck! black cats:"

All Aboard The Caturday Train (25 Cat Memes)

Choo choo!
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photos of delicious food with a doggo behind looking jealous | thumbnail includes two photos of the dog staring hungrily at a giant ham

Poor Doggo Watches Hooman Eat Delicious Feast Without Him

Give that doggo a bite!
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a thread about a woman whose cat hates her boyfriend | thumbnail includes text saying ' don’t know what to do. I have never seen my cat hiss or act aggressively towards anyone else, including her vet. Do I trust that my boyfriend doesn’t mistreat her when I’m gone? Is there another explanation for why she’s behaving this way towards him? I keep'

Woman's Cat Suddenly Hates Her Boyfriend: Internet Weighs In

Could something upsetting be going on?
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collection of Facebook comments about pets showing affection to their humans | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Tiffany Butrum Whenever my cats are hacking up something I always stand beside them, pat their back, and comfort them. One time I was very sick with a stomach bug and every time I ran to the toilet to vomit one of my cats would run with me, sit down, and put one paw on my leg, her face full of concern. Love my girls 17 Like · Reply Hide Send Message · 2d'

Sweetest Things Pets Have Done To Show They Care About Their Humans

The love is real <3
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a video of a dog and a dolphin playing together | thumbnail includes an image of the dog and the dolphin together

Wild Dolphin Loves Playing Tag With His Favorite Dog (Video)

The cutest of friends!
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12 text based reddit images, stigma of rehoming dogs | thumbnail blue background "he phrase 'unforeseen circumstances' doesn't even begin to describe what many people are dealing with. And yet, there is so little empathy for people who look into re- homing their pets. 'Earn more money and get a bigger place' - yeah sure, sounds easy. 'It's not like the dog actually bit the baby, THEN you should re-home him'"

Confronting The Stigma Around Rehoming Dogs: A Discussion

It's not so simple
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collection of dog memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a chihuhua next to a banana 'Cat - Pray for my sisters lil woofer, Poncho, ain't nothin wrong with him he just freaks out whenever he's near a banana.. i am uncomfortable' and a dog resting its head on the bed 'Dog - GOOD MORNING Bu IM JUST GONNA WAG MY TAILAGAINST NOISEY STUFF UNTIL YOU WAKE UP BECAUSE ILOVE YOU'

20 Good Boi Doggo Memes Meant Only For The Best Dogs

Only good bois and girls allowed.
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collection of pictures of tiny kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny black kitten and a tiny kitten in a huge seat

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest Fluffiest Criminals (January 14, 2022)

The itty bitty kitty committee is about to commence.
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15 dog snaps | thumbnail left dog shocked face burger, thumbnail right three puppies around toilet snapchat

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

Canine goodness
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a cat in front of a Christmas tree 'Cat - "Let's take one nice picture with the tree before I fucking destroy it"' and a blind cat looking pleased next to a keychain 'Cat - Awwwww @AwwwwCats Peepers the blind kitty is so proud of the gift he brought us from his nightly hunt.'

Skedaddle Away To Another Purrfect Caturday: Fresh Cat Memes

Happy Caturday!
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After The New Year

Cheezburger Image 9657542400
Via Animal Comedy
best of #AnimalLover Tiktok

The Cutest and Most Adorable Animal Content of TikTok's #AnimalLover Trend

The most wholesome content your life needs right now.
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Pope calls pet owners selfish, internet reacts

'Today... we see a form of selfishness': Pope Criticizes Pet-Parents and the Animal-Loving Internet Is Enraged

Don't mess with a dog mom.
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vide of defensive turtles and snakes | thumbnail image of snake intertwined with turtle

How Turtles Defend Themselves Against Snakes (Video)

Don't underestimate turtles
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Mini Me

Cheezburger Image 9657542144
Via Animal Comedy