I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
Cute dog hiccuping is going viral on tiktok

TikTok Is Going Crazy for This Hiccuping Dog

“He's taking screenshots.”
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vide of horse kicking tree and farting | thumbnail image horse in woods

Horse Kicks Tree, Farts On Dogs, And Gallops Away (Video)

Feeling frisky
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Cheezburger Image 9658157312
See all captions Created by narykids

Good Meow-ing

Cheezburger Image 9658463744
Via Lolcats

Wait A Minute

Cheezburger Image 9658463488
Via Animal Comedy
rate dogs doggos twitter rating tweets funny lol cute aww adorable wholesome uplifting | WeRateDogs dog_rates only rate dogs. This is meteorite has fallen clearly superior part galaxy. Please only send dogs. Thank 14/10 adorable puppy sleeping in a ditch in the grass

Crisp Doggo Ratings By 'We Rate Dogs' (20 Tweets)

The best Twitter account online
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a thread about a woman who found out her lost dog was adopted by a woman | thumbnail includes text saying 'Lady stole my dog and wants money for him.5 months ago my husband and I were moving into a new apartment. We took my dog to stay with my grandpa for a week or two while we moved so that my dog didn't get in the way. He's a pitbull/ chocolate lab mix and has a lot of energy. My grandpa has a huge plot of land and I thought my dog would enjoy that as a little vacation while we moved.'

Woman Gets Dog 'Stolen': Reddit Thread With Happy Ending

What a twist!
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16 frog memes | thumbnail left frogs with hats meme, thumbnail right frog floating in small yellow bucket meme "fishingboaproceeds where is he traveling justbananathepalidrome To the stars darlin, to the stars"

A Bountiful Heap Of Frog Memes To Inspire Ribbits And Laughs

Take a gander
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19 animal memes | thumbnail fish wikipedia image "boops" name's Bond, James Bond And ps Boops boops  thumbnail left " Due to recent events, morning screaming hours have been extended indefinitely"

A Silly Series Of Delightful Animal Memes For A Better Day

Animal memes and lots of 'em
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video of a hummingbird being nursed back to health by a person | thumbnail includes a picture of a hummingbird hovering near a person's hand

Man Nurses Tiny Hummingbird Back To Health (Video)

Spread Your Wings And Fly
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stories of cats getting jealous | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Rectangle - Hunter Kintsukuroi cats do get jealous. when i brought mine over to my moms, but played with her dog, my cat would run up to the dog, hit him on the nose, then bolt out of the room. the poor dog was old and mostly blind, he had no idea what just happened. 16 Like · Reply · Hide Send Message 11h'

Funny Stories Of Cats Getting Jealous And Possessive Over Their Owners

Cats deeefinitely get jealous.
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story of a kitten getting rescued and becoming friends with another cat | thumbnail includes two pictures including a grey kitten and two cats cuddling

Rescued Kitten That Was Left In A Box Outside In The Cold Forms The Sweetest Bond With An Orange Cat

A heartwarming story <3
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5 dog videos | thumbnail left image of golden retriever in snow, thumbnail right dog in bed "getting in bed with your dog be like"

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Doggo goodness
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 photos of incredible animals before and after being adopted | thumbnail includes two photos of a stray cat, before and after adoption

Power Of Love: Before And After Adoption Glowups

These pets are living their best lives!
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a grumpy cat 'This is Betty and she hates every single one of you. u/RPBN'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Animals (#169)

Too. much. cuteness.
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This Is My Happy Face

Cheezburger Image 9658465024
Via Lolcats