I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
collection of wholesome tumblr posts about cats thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - galesofnovember Yesterday at the foster clinic there was a woman with a litter of tiny, tiny kittens, one of whom was a beautiful orange and white creamsicle. I told her, "I love orange boy cats, they are all so stupid." and the foster mom said to me, with tears of love in her eyes, face glowing with maternal pride, "He is only 6 days old and I can already tell that he's going to be so stupid!" Source: ga'

Nothing But Cat Goodness And Wholesomeness (Tumblr Posts)

Adorableness overload.
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a wholesome story about an abandoned kitten finding his forever home together with his siblings | thumbnail includes two photos of ouzo the kitten

Ouzo The Foster Kitty Finds A Furever Home: Awwdorable Photos

We love a happy ending!
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11 reddit text based images instances of dogs building trust with humans | thumbnail light blue background text " She woke me up at 3am screaming. I thought she was hurt, so I ran her outside and she peed. I've had her less than a year and her previous owners abused her so bad that she lost control of her bladder. The vets said nothing physical was wrong with her, so they told me it was probably a behavioral thing after so much abuse. I kept her in a diaper and she just peed constantly"

Heartwarming Instances Of Rescue Dogs Building Trust With Their Humans: Reddit Thread

Truly heartwarming
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collection of tumblr posts about dogs trying to help humans do things and interrupting instead | thumbnail includes one tumblr post ''Font - i-am-mildly-insane Follow My friends and I were building a snowman and one of them had brought her dog along. He wanted so desperately to help, but his method of helping was to slap the snowman, eat the sticks we were using for arms and just cause general chaos. I had to stand and keep him entertained by throwing snowballs for him to eat so

Tumblr Thread: Dogs Attempting To Help Their Humans In The Most Unhelpful Ways

They're trying, and that's what counts.
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video of koala footage at night, men commentating on it | thumbnail close up image of koala on tree branch

Koalas Being Anything But Lazy At Night (Video)

These little guys are anything but lazy
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a woman is asked to lean into being a dog mom and refuses | thumbnail includes text saying 'I don't want to do this. I love my dog, but he isn't a kid, and I cringe when Simon describes me as my dog's mom. I don't want to give my (allergic, has not met my dog!) mom a calendar of my dog. How do I tell him to stop it, without hurting his feelings too bad?'

Woman Pressured By Family To Treat Dog Like Child Refuses: Reddit Family Feud

Fur baby or just a pet?
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story about two kittens rescued on separate times recognizing each other as brothers at a kitten rescue | thumbnail includes two pictures of two kittens

Kittens Rescued On Separate Occasions Recognize One Another In Shelter And Reunite

The most unexpectedly wholesome reunion <3
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collection of pictures of tiny kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including someone holding a tiny kitten and two small kittens sleeping on top of one another

20 Cutest Kittens Of The Week: The Tiniest Fluffiest Criminals (January 21, 2022)

The itty bitty kitty committee is about to commence.
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13 dog snaps | thumbnail left dog snap golden "  work home and my golden comes my office everyday around noon remind its time lunch break 2", thumbnail right brown dog with big pine cone snap "Mulder found the biggest Pine cone he's ever seen! He was so proud of himself as he pulled it out a bush to show me"

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

A lil treat in doggo snap form
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Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a tumblr post 'Font - mushishitposter reasons you should adopt black cats 1. they're adopted less bc of superstition 2. the fuzzy one look like soot motes 3. people think you're a witch and leave you alone 4. Every picture you take of them looks like a void with glowing eyes' and a kitten held in someone's hands 'Hand - My bank: Why would you spend $1000 on cat treats? Me: BUTTER NUT IS A MASTER OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION.'

Caturday Shenanigans Extravaganza: Hissterical Cat Memes

Happy Caturday!
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Cheezburger Image 9659936256
See all captions Created by kenbaker
Cute toddler is upset because his dog won't let him eat his toe beans

Video of a Toddler Upset That His Dog Won't Let Him "Eat Her Toe Beans" Is Going Viral on TikTok

The dog looks into the camera with eyes that say, “that's heckin' right.”
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Viral tiktok video of a baby duck in a pocket

Viral Video of the Cutest Duckling Eat Snacks From Inside a Pocket Is All You Need to See Today

Pocket duck! Pocket duck! Pocket duck!
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a super cute video of baby otters playing and having fun and sleeping | thumbnail includes text saying 'Kotaro and Hana'

Sleeping Baby Otters Wake Up To Play (Video)

Cuteness Overload
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I'm Not A Thief I'm A Collector

Cheezburger Image 9660493312
Via Animal Comedy

Based Mouse

Cheezburger Image 9660492288
Via Animal Comedy