I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter


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Via LOL Cats

Superb Owl Sunday

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Via Animal Comedy
this week's collection of animal tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Leigh Cowart ... @voraciousbrain once when I was catastrophically depressed, I put my dirty dishes out in the rain (??????) and discovered the next day that all of my silverware had been stolen by an enormous raccoon who does not fear me 10:46 PM - May 11, 2021 Twitter for Android 10K Retweets 412 Quote Tweets 186.6K Likes'

Comedy Jams: 23 Funny Animal Tweets

Animal twitter shenanigans.
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an adorable twitter thread about Russian cat names | thumbnail includes text saying 'kot - a regular cat koshka - a regular female cat kote (internet slang) - a cute chubby little guy, every single cute cat on the internet kisa - a pretty, flirtatious, graceful, cranky and haughty lady kisunya - an extra pretty, flirtatious, graceful, cranky and haughty lady kis' - just a dork, controlled by aliens kotik - a bit more disney version of a regulat cat'

Inside The Wonderful World Of Russian Cat Nicknames

"Woolen Bastard"
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17 facebook images and comments, potty training accidents | thumbnail blue background with text "phantom crapper'. growing up, our cat decided to use our toilet for number twos, but having no opposable thumbs, couldnt flush after she'd done. but until I caught her in the act, my mum would blame us all for it. I only caught her in the act because I snuck up the stairs and peered around the top of the stairs in the direction of the bathroom to find the cat squatting on the toilet"

Funniest Potty-Training Accidents Pet Owners Experienced: ICanHas Edition

Whoopsie daisies
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story about bears taking over an abandoned island | thumbnail includes two pictures including a polar peeking out of a house window and a polar bear on the porch of a house

Photographer Encounters Polar Bears Who Took Over An Abandoned Island

Incredible photographs.
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video of frogs being affectionate with a human | thumbnail includes a picture of a frog placing its hand on a human's finger

What Happens When Frogs Like Their Human Too Much (Video)

Unexpectedly wholesome.
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story about a man taking care of a very sick kitten then finding her and her sister a forever home | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten on a man's shoulder and a man and a kitten booping noses

Man Protects Sick Newborn Kitten, Staying With Her Until She And Her Sister Found A Forever Home

Gentle giant with itty bitty kitties <3
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an article based on a quora thread about whether or not cats sulk | thumbnail includes text saying 'do cats sulk'

Do Cats Sulk: Internet Responds With Awwdorable Stories

Of course they do!
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5 dog videos | thumbnail left small dog in normal sized dog bed "herman will never get a comically large bed", thumbnail right same small dog in huge dog bed

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

Doggo goodness in video form
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super cute before and after photos of animals that were adopted | thumbnail includes two before and after photos of a rescued doggo

Before And After Adoption Glowups

The power of love!
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pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and a dog looking at a human baby 'Favorite pic of Strider (dog) and Smulder (cat) taken the day my daughter came home.'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Animals (#171)

Too. much. cuteness.
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Via Animal Comedy
Viral TikTok dog has adventures on a sailboat, Jojo the adventure pup

Viral TikTok Dog Having the Best Adventures on a Sailboat Definitely Has a Better Life Than You

Oh, to be a dog sailing around with nothing to worry about but but sticks.
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Chihuahua goes viral on TikTok for crying like a humanbaby

TikTok of a Dramatic Chihuahua Crying Like a Literal Human Baby is Going Viral

Cute, but also kind of demonic…
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a red panda is introduced to a new friend who provides her with a very interesting relationship | thumbnail includes a beautiful red panda peeking out through the foliage

Beautiful Red Panda Makes A New Friend (Video)

What will happen?
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