I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
a funny twitter thread about capybaras unleashed | thumbnail includes text saying 'I will pay good money for a capybara'

Capybaras Unleashed In Viral Twitter Thread

So Stinking Cute
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12 cat blep reddit images, cats sticking tongues out | thumbnail left yumei blep cat "Posted by u/unbelayvable 5 days ago S 1386 This morning I was blessed by a rare and exquisite blep from Yumei" thmbnail right cat sleeping blep "Willow, master of the sleeping blep "

12 Excellent Cat Photos Featuring Bleps Ranging From Smol To Huge

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a reddit thread about a man whose girlfriend brought her dog around his dog phobic brother | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA for not allowing my gf and her dog to enter my house?'

Woman Brings Her Dog Around Boyfriend's Dog-Phobic Brother: Reddit Thread

Who's being unreasonable here?
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video of elephant twin babies | thumbnail twin baby elephant image

Rare Twin Elephants Born in Africa (Video)

Twin elephant dears
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13 animal memes | thumbnail left horse bone diagram meme "One of the biggest fail l've ever seen. A French anatomy book trying to illustrate how horse's bones are similar to ours cheval correspondent" thumbnail right wombat leaping meme

A Bountiful Bushel Of Giggle Worthy Animal Memes

Animal humor
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11 reddit text images, pet stories 'my roommate' | thumbnail blue background text "rabengeieradlerstein · 12 days ago My roommate is very afraid of ferns, but also fascinated by them. She sits in front of a fern, sometimes for hours, and recoils at the slightest movement it may make"

Pet Stories Humorously Altered By Referring To The Pet As 'My Roommate'

Humor for days
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11 tweets dalmatian images | thumbnail image of dalmatian standing on boat at sea tweet "Juls @Outrobabyy EVERYONE LOOK AT HOW HANDSOME THIS DOG IS. 5:33 PM · Jan 20, 2022 · Twitter Web App 26.4K Retweets 1,981 Quote Tweets 273.7K Likes"

Twitter Users Show Off Their Handsome Dalmatians In Delightful Thread

Delightful dalmatians
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5 cat videos | thumbnail left and right cat resting on work desk tempted by fish, eating fish

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

Feline goodness
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animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes a picture of a chicken and a person holding a pebble and one tumblr post 'Hand - Rocky ran up to me, gave me this pebble, and did a flirty little dance while making happy noises. Which is the rooster equivalent of a proposal. A truly devastating blow to my boyfriend. The man who helped raise him. Source: 6madfae'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Funny Stories

Tumblr animal goodness.
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list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a horse drawing 'Horse - One of the biggest fail l've ever seen. A French anatomy book trying to illustrate how horse's bones are similar to ours cheval correspondent à certains des nôtres. Regarde Des os sur le sin ci-dessous, ils sont indiqués par ta mème' and a cat on a security camera 'Cat - Max, what did you do now? 3 Max was caught on surveillance video at the library, vhere he is no longer welcome.'

Catch Them If You Can: 22 Funny Animal Memes

Fresh animal meme deliciousness.
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Cheezburger Image 9661419264
Via Animal Comedy
video of dog reacting to stolen bed | thumbnail image of human lying in dog bed with dog peering at her from side

Dog Confusedly Reacts When Human Steals His Bed As A Joke (Video)

The ole bait and switch eh
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Just Sayin'

Cheezburger Image 9661420288
Via Animal Comedy

Yeah, Bears Are Another Story

Cheezburger Image 9661420032
Via Animal Comedy

I Saw Nothing

Cheezburger Image 9661419776
Via Animal Comedy
twitter thread about a cat beating up cats and getting jailed at home | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - naledi @naledimashishi ... My cat had been housebound for two weeks after beating up another cat in that cat's house. I let her out yesterday just to see if she was ready to be a law abiding citizen. She went straight to go beat up that cat again a she's back inside indefinitely 5:03 PM · Aug 6, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 21.3K Retweets 3,501 Quote Tweets 133.3K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cat Jailed At Home For Being A Corrupt Criminal

A true delinquent.
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