I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter
Itty Bitty Kitties That Are Responsible for Any Wholesomeness on TikTok

Itty Bitty Kitties That Are Responsible for Any Wholesomeness on TikTok

A purrfect little roundup of the cutest, smolest, kitten babies to take the edge off. Murder mittens with toe beans, fluff balls with the most intense purrs—guaranteed serotonin boost.
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TikTokers Are Posting Videos of Their Cute Dogs That They Guarantee Will Provide a Serotonin Boost

TikTokers Are Posting Videos of Their Cute Dogs That They Guarantee Will Provide a Serotonin Boost

These TikTokers are guaranteeing or your money back (facetiously) if these cute doggo videos don't give you that instant serotonin boost you need.
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video of piglets on mexican beach enjoying themselves | thumbnail image of two piglets on beach

Litter Of Sweet Piglets Has A Party On Mexican Beach (Video)

Not only humans like to party!
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PolaRole Model

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Via Animal Comedy

I Heard We Were Going To Celebrate

Cheezburger Image 9666109696
Via Animal Comedy

So True

Cheezburger Image 9666108672
Via Animal Comedy
twitter thread woman walked in on boyfriend grating cheese into dog's mouth | thumbnail tweet " I just walked into the kitchen to discover my boyfriend grating cheese directly into the dog's mouth"

Twitter Thread: Woman Catches Boyfriend Grating Cheese Directly Into Their Dog's Mouth

We hope it was gouda, or provolone, yum
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a chonky cat causes drama between two friends | thumbnail includes text saying 'Spaz is extremely food motivated. He will break into the Pantry to eat bread, wake us up at night by slamming into the door, and hunts for grasshoppers every day (even though there is snow outside). If you go near where the treats are held he will start begging'

Husbandry Specialist Bites Off More Than She Can Chew With Spaz The Cat

Such A Chonker
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a heartwarming twitter thread about adopted cats | thumbnail includes text saying '2 months ago a stray cat started sleeping on our porch every night..of course we fed him !!!! We had him neutered and put him in an enclosed porch on our outbuilding to recover..I think he's in love with my wife'

Twitter Thread: Heartwarming Stories Of Cats Who Found Their Forever Homes

So Sweet!
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a twitter thread about cat food shortages globally | thumbnail includes text saying 'My wise wife just noted that the cat food shortage in the grocery stores is not actually a shortage of cat food, but a shortage of the food *cats happen to like", which is not only the most cat thing ever, but the very definition of a First World Problem.'

Hiss-terical Twitter Thread: Cats Refusing To Eat New Food Brands

Does your cat do this?
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video of Pallas' cats playing around in snow | thumbnail includes a picture of a Pallas' cat sitting in snow

Chonky Grumpy Pallas' Cats Goofing Around In The Snow (Video)

Grumpily enjoying the snow.
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12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "Fast forward to today, we take her to the vet and turns out she has a broken leg and will need surgery. I'm devastated but I'm so glad that she was able to make it through the night and we were able to get her the help that she needs. Mum turns to me and makes a joke that it looks like I'm going to be spending a lot of money of Luna."

Woman's Bird Is Injured As A Result Of Her Mom's Negligence, Mom Refuses To Foot Vet Bill

Sis, it's your fault, pay the bill
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a reddit thread about underrated animals | thumbnail includes three animals and text 'what's your favorite underrated animal, and why?'

Redditors Share Their Favorite Underrated Animals

So Interesting!
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11 reddit text images karen mil brings goat | thumbnail blue background text "MIL has PTSD and for most of the time I knew her it was very repressed but she recently had another traumatic event and is now struggling. She is very co dependent and has a hard time being around us without her husband, so I made a rule that she can bring one of her comfort animals. "

Crazy Karen MIL Brings 'Emotional Support Goat' To Her Son And DIL's House, Pure Chaos Ensues

On today's episode of 'crazy Karen and her animals'
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the funniest cat tweets from this week on twitter | thumbnail includes tweet with text saying 'What made this morning's trip to the bathroom interesting is that I don't actually own a cat.'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (February 18, 2022)

Hiss-terical Tweets!
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posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with one eye 'My recently rescued kitten, Maitie. u/justaredditaccountx'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (20 Images)

Adopt, don't shop.
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